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Control Factor film about psychotronic mind control.
Darren Conway
Calvin Coolidge
Jean-François Copé politician
Ramon Cortines superintendant of school systems
Andrew Coyne Canadian journalist who, having previously supported Canadian participation in the 2003 invasion of Iraq, dismissed any significance to the phrase the Great Reset after the public became aware of it, and supports vaccine passports.
Walter Cronkite
Monica Crowley News journalist who became Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs for the U.S. Department of the Treasury under Donald Trump.
Brian Cubbon
Dave Cullen Youtuber and political dissident.
Mario Cuomo York Democratic party politician
Riam Dalati
Alfons Dalma journalist in the WW2 fascist Ustaša goverment. After the war, he changed his name and resettled in Austria, and with astonishing ease became a prominent journalist and editor. Cold warrior, possibly spook.
Stephen Dalziel for the Institute for Statecraft and "Research and Staff Coordinator" of the Integrity Initiative with "Forty years of dealing with Russia"... “Definitely not secret service, I promise you.” Russo-British Chamber of Commerce director
Jill Dando high profile BBC TV presenter shot dead in front of her house.
Peter Daszak "completely discredited, conflict-plagued", "longtime partner" of Zhengli Shi, moved US money to the WIV to weaponise bat coronaviruses but didn't mention this in the influential joint statement he secretly got published in The Lancet to promote the "lone bat" theory. Later "investigated" COVID-19's origins.
Elias Davidsson that the US deep state organized the events of September 11th, 2001.
Étienne Davignon deep politician, EU commissioner, Bilderberg chairman, Egmont Institute president
Ian Hay Davison Bilderberg UK banker. Managed the rapid growth of the accounting company Arthur Andersen in the UK.
John Dean key witness for the prosecution during the Watergate Coup
Richard Dearlove of MI6 from 1999 to 2004. Publicly announced in 2020 that he believed Covid-19 came from a laboratory.
Gaston Defferre the 1964 Bilderberg as Mayor of Marseille
Jean-Luc Dehaene the 2004 Bilderberg as former Prime Minister of Belgium
Ron Dermer Netanyahu's closest adviser and strategic consultant
Mattias Desmet
Thomas Dewey of New York, US lawyer, attended the 1957 February Bilderberg
Philip K. Dick science fiction writer concerned with the nature of reality, perception, human nature, and identity.
John Diefenbaker Canadian PM who fought the Canadian Deep state. Toppled in regime change operation by the Kennedy administration in 1962/63.
Robbert Dijkgraaf time Bilderberger. String theorist
Hrant Dink
Cory Doctorow in favor of liberalizing copyright laws and a proponent of the Creative Commons organization
Christopher Dodd Dodd.jpgUS lobbyist, lawyer and politician. MPAA CEO
Richard Dolan known UFO researcher.
Daniel Domscheit-Berg spokesperson for WikiLeaks, who attended the 2011 WEF AGM
Ken Dornstein
Jennifer Doudna the 2020 Nobel prize for Chemistry with Emmanuelle Charpentier
Tom Drake employee who blew the whistle on their illegal surveillance.
Jacques Duhamel
Allen Dulles served the longest ever term as [[Director of Central Intelligence]] and dominated [[American intelligence]] for a generation. He personified a cadre of [[Ivy League]] pragmatic elitists in high echelons of the government who greatly admired Germany’s scientific achievements.<a href="#cite_note-1">[1]</a> Dulles was fired by [[JFK]] after the [[Bay of Pigs]] and bore a grudge against him thereafter.
Bill Durodié regularly appeared on BBC as a "terrorism expert".
Jay Dyer of 'Esoteric Hollywood'
Aaron Dykes Infowars to pursue his own project, Truthstream Media, with his wife Melissa Dykes.
Melissa Dykes Truthstream Media with her husband Aaron Dykes.
Lawrence Eagleburger, terror expert and US deep state operative
Felix von Eckardt aide to Chancellor Konrad Adenauer
Dwight Eisenhower five-star general, supreme commander of NATO, Eisenhower was the US President who notably warned that "we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence... by the military–industrial complex."
Ralph Enckell diplomat. President Uhro Kekkonen's chief adviser on international politics.
Enemy of the State (film) =fn al tt 1
Eyes Wide Shut =fn al tt 1Depicts a hidden world where the richest and most powerful people partake in occult sacrificial sexual rituals.
James Fallows journalist, ACG Young Leaders 1977, CFR, First Bilderberg in 2018 aged 69