Historical revision
Historical revision is a continuous process involving the re-interpretation and modification of existing historical narratives in light of new or otherwise unknown, hidden or even suppressed evidence. As an academic discipline, it ought to be uncontroversial. However, in matters deemed potentially threatening by and to existing power structures, it can become very controversial indeed; so much so that there are Official Narrative's of major events which can only be questioned on pain of official opprobrium with all its attendant status and career risks.
The pre-eminent current (2012) example in this category is "The Holocaust". However, the entire history of the 20th century, particularly as it relates to the foreign policies of the victorious allied power of world wars I and II, is still ripe for substantial revision as more and more hitherto secret archive and other hidden and suppressed material becomes available to enterprising and brave historians.
The need for historical revision
The old adage that "... those who do not understand history are doomed to repeat it" is a confused but nonetheless revealing encapsulation of the problem facing those who question Official Narrative's. By definition, Official Narrative's are always misleading, in service as they are to the powerful interests that they are held to legitimise - the bigger the interest, the bigger the misleading. And so it is with the biggest of all such interests: the victors' version of the who, what, how and why of war. ANYONE deemed a threat or looming challenge to such a narrative will inevitably meet the full power and force of its beneficiaries; more often than not such a person will be either destroyed or effectively silenced by the encounter. Intelligent, career-minded academic historians are acutely aware of all this and act accordingly.
The following extract from James Hartfield's "Unpatriotic History of the Second World war" explains both the problem for would-be revisionists and the pressing need for them:
The official version of the history of the Second World War, and the more politicised ‘People’s War’ legend are profoundly ideological. They are in fact examples of ‘Victor’s History’ – as the Nuremberg and Tokyo War Trials were ‘Victor’s Justice’. They are ideological because they focus all criticism upon the Axis powers, and suspend judgment on the Allies. In these official versions of the Just War and the People’s War, the deaths of millions are justified for the greater good of ridding the war of dictatorship and militarism – even though the outcome of the war was the imposition of militaristic dictatorships over much of eastern Europe, the stabilisation of Fascist dictatorships in Spain and Portugal, the subjugation of millions to military rule in East Asia, and indeed in Germany. In the official version of history the atrocities carried out by the Axis powers come to be the emblematic features of the war, while those carried out by the Allies are dismissed as exceptional episodes, or even justified as the cruelties necessary to bring the war to a speedy conclusion. In the official version only the Axis powers have self-serving interests, while the Allies are motivated by moral exigencies. Racial suprematism and imperialist domination are faults that are never seen in the Allies.
The official version of the Allied War effort is so profoundly ideological that it violently misrepresents almost all aspects of the war. The official version is twisted and stretched to give the most extraordinary explanations of events that are would be quite easy to account for without it. To believe the official version, one must believe that the Atomic bomb saves lives; that the aerial bombardment of Germany was aimed at military targets; that the Nazis killed the Polish officers at Katyn though it was under Soviet rule at the time; that the Allies fought the war to save the Jews; that the Allied invasions of Iraq, Iran, Syria, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Greece, Vietnam, Korea and Indonesia were ‘liberations’. The truth creaks and strains under the constraints of the official version of the Second World War, and will keep breaking out, as evidence that there is more than is accounted for in the set texts. [1]
Page name | Description |
Alison Chabloz | Professional musician harassed and prosecuted in the UK for publishing satirical songs about 'The Holocaust' |
Gerry Docherty | |
Document:A Brief History of Forensic Examinations of Auschwitz | A review of the the series of forensic examinations of the Auschwitz concentration camp alleged gas chambers that began with The Leuchter report and ended with the imprisonment in Germany of this author for authoring a similar though more rigorous report that was published without his authority |
Document:Commission for the Relief of Belgium 1 | The organisation, promotion and diversion of Belgian 'relief funding' for the hidden but nonetheless express purpose of prolonging the war |
Document:Commission for the Relief of Belgium 2 | The organisation, promotion and diversion of Belgian 'relief funding' for the hidden but nonetheless express purpose of prolonging WW1. |
Document:Conjuring Hitler - Chapter 6 | The concluding chapter of Guido Preparata's seminal work of World War II historical revision - Conjuring Hitler |
Document:Conjuring Hitler - Four years on | Guido Preparata's afterword to "Conjuring Hitler", his seminal work on the origins of World War II. It was written to mark publication of the book in German, some four years after the original English edition. Rueful insights into the academic suppression of work which challenges the rigidly enforced victors' orthodox narrative of the greatest man-made humanitarian disaster in history. |
File:Auschwitz - A judge looks at the evidence.pdf | A systematic, critical examination of the documents, testimonies, confessions and personal accounts relating to Auschwitz as a center of programmatic extermination by gassing and other means |
File:Heresy in 21st Century France.pdf | A book about the status of historical revisionism in early 21st century France, sub-titled "A Case of insubmission to the Holocaust dogma" |
File:Israeli Founding Myths.pdf | Described by the author as "...the History of a Heresy". It presents evidence-based criticisms of official narratives that remain absolute taboo in the West, most notably on The Holocaust, Zionism, and the Nuremberg Tribunal |
File:TheRudolfReport.pdf | A science-based forensic examination of the alleged homicidal gas chambers of Auschwitz. |
Hidden History | A seminal work of historical revisionism. It is a meticulously researched tour de force on the hidden and suppressed history of the origins of World War I. The book will be very uncomfortable reading for anyone schooled in the Western Establishment Victor's history of the 20th century. |
Walter Lüftl | A prominent Austrian civil engineer who, since 1992, has been victimised for preparing and privately circulating a report which concluded that the Official Narrative of alleged extermination gas chambers in World War II is not technically possible. |
Jim Macgregor | Revisionist who co-authored a rebuttal of the official narrative of the origins of World War I. |
Other Losses | An expose of allied war crimes as regards treatment of prisoners. |
Ezra Pound | |
Wilhelm Stäglich | World war II army officer,judge, historian and important revisionist writer |
Related Documents
Title | Type | Publication date | Author(s) | Description |
Document:The Jewish role in the early Soviet Regime | book extract | 1 January 1921 | Robert Wilton | Details of the domination of the Bolshevik Party and early Soviet government by Jews - mostly non-Russian. The information was published in the 1921 French edition of the book but not in the original 1920 American and English editions. the information remains largely suppressed, obfuscated and 'politically incorrect'. |
File:Truth for Germany.pdf | eBook | 1965 | Udo Walendy | Scholarly questioning of the official (victor's) narrative of World War II as "The Peoples' War" or "The Good War". A narrative that is quintessentially ideological in laying blame for the biggest humanitarian catastrophe in history to date on Germany alone. The book, together with his subsequent publishing activities in the field of historical revision have earned this meek and self-effacing man one term of imprisonment and several other convictions in 'Freedom-loving' Germany. |
- ↑ Unpatriotic History of the Second World war by James Hartfield October 2012, John Hunt Publishing. ISBN 1780993781