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[[image:A brave new world.jpg|thumbnail|right|300px|The [[WEF]]'s self-depiction]]
No matter how much rhetoric about progress and benefits to society is deployed in the promotion of this concept, it has the potential to develop into a [[dystopic]] future. Prison-cities, which instead of guards use cameras and microphones, hooked to AI algorithm counting social credit score; characterized by geofencing - limits on movement and/or area where person can buy products and services, possibly loss of bodily autonomy (i.e. a say in your own health decisions).
No matter how much rhetoric about progress and benefits to society is deployed in the promotion of this concept, it has the potential to develop into a [[dystopic]] future. Prison-cities, which instead of guards use cameras and microphones, hooked to AI algorithm counting social credit score; characterized by geofencing - limits on movement and/or area where person can buy products and services, possibly loss of bodily autonomy (i.e. a say in your own health decisions).
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==Practical Implications==
==Practical Implications==
|caption=The Great Reset & Build Back Better<ref>https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2020/05/31/delingpole-build-back-better-the-latest-code-phrase-for-green-global-tyranny/</ref> people featured, in order: [[Tony Blair]], [[Greta Thunberg]], [[Caroline Lucas]], [[Andrew Cuomo]], [[Hillary Clinton]], [[Nancy Pelosi]], [[Bill Clinton]], [[Justin Trudeau]], [[Boris Johnson]], [[Elizabeth Warren]], [[Barack Obama]], [[Joe Biden]], [[Bill Gates]], [[Layla Moran]], [[Kamala Harris]], [[CBSN]]'s [[Tanya Rivero]], [[Charles Windsor]], [[Kristalina Georgieva]], [[Prince Harry]], [[Sadiq Khan]], [[Jacinda Ardern]], [[António Guterres]], [[Klaus Schwab]].
The whole program ties in with how [[Greta Thunberg]], as a representative of "civil society", was given lots of attention at the 2019 and 2020 WEF summits, at which she stated that "our house is on fire", calling for "urgent action, stressing the need for 'real zero' emissions."<ref>https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/01/greta-speech-our-house-is-still-on-fire-davos-2020/</ref>
The whole program ties in with how [[Greta Thunberg]], as a representative of "civil society", was given lots of attention at the 2019 and 2020 WEF summits, at which she stated that "our house is on fire", calling for "urgent action, stressing the need for 'real zero' emissions."<ref>https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/01/greta-speech-our-house-is-still-on-fire-davos-2020/</ref>
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An article in [[The Hill]] from June 2020 mentions:<ref>https://thehill.com/opinion/energy-environment/504499-introducing-the-great-reset-world-leaders-radical-plan-to saved at [https://archive.is/YxJjZ Archive.is]</ref>
An article in [[The Hill]] from June 2020 mentions:<ref>https://thehill.com/opinion/energy-environment/504499-introducing-the-great-reset-world-leaders-radical-plan-to saved at [https://archive.is/YxJjZ Archive.is]</ref>
[[File:you_will_own_nothing_and_you_will_be_happy_street_art.jpg|300px|right|thumb|An alternative rendering of [[Klaus Schwab]]'s [[Agenda 2030]]/[[Great Reset]] slogan]]
On 4 February 2022, [[Neil Clark]] tweeted:{{QB|Yup. We’re in the next phase of the [[WEF]]’s ‘Great Reset’. Moving away from the ‘[[Covid]] phase’ to the Economic Collapse/Rationing/Net Zero stage. End goal:
On 4 February 2022, [[Neil Clark]] tweeted:{{QB|Yup. We’re in the next phase of the [[WEF]]’s ‘Great Reset’. Moving away from the ‘[[Covid]] phase’ to the Economic Collapse/Rationing/Net Zero stage. End goal:
:‘In the future you will own nothing and you will be happy’.<ref>''[https://twitter.com/NeilClark66/status/1489603471070441476 "Yup. We’re in the next phase of the WEF’s ‘Great Reset’"]''</ref>}}
:‘In the future you will own nothing and you will be happy’.<ref>''[https://twitter.com/NeilClark66/status/1489603471070441476 "Yup. We’re in the next phase of the WEF’s ‘Great Reset’"]''</ref>}}

Revision as of 22:09, 12 September 2022

Event.png Smart city 
(City,  Mass surveillance,  Smart technology)Rdf-entity.pngRdf-icon.png
Central bank digital currency.jpg
image depicting CBDC
Founder(s)World Economic Forum
Interest of• Michael Bloomberg
• National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence
A prison-city with an algorithm as warden

A smart city is a technologically modern urban area that uses different types of electronic methods and sensors to collect specific data. Information gained from that data is used to manage assets, resources and services efficiently; in return, that data is used to improve operations across the city.[1][2]

"The Privacyless, Freedomless Smart City of 2030 the Elite Are Engineering" a video by Truthstream Media from January 2017[3]

Official narrative

See Wikipedia


No matter how much rhetoric about progress and benefits to society is deployed in the promotion of this concept, it has the potential to develop into a dystopic future. Prison-cities, which instead of guards use cameras and microphones, hooked to AI algorithm counting social credit score; characterized by geofencing - limits on movement and/or area where person can buy products and services, possibly loss of bodily autonomy (i.e. a say in your own health decisions).


The 15/20 minute neighborhood as a concept has all necessary amenities supposed to be within 15/20 travel: hospitals, schools, work, shops, etc.[citation needed] - The problem is an inhabitant cannot move/interact with the infrastructure beyond that 15/20 min radius. The doors would not open, machines will not give out food. It is to stop too much traveling and lowering carbon footprint to help fight with climate change.

Facial recognition

The microphones and cameras are to record inhabitants for the purposes of control and social credit score. Allegedly to improve services and safety. Will enable points being awarded and fines for things like walking on a red light, etc.

Fourth Industrial Revolution

The Fourth Industrial Revolution is closely connected to the concept of the smart city, with which a high number of jobs will be cut due to robotization.

Practical Implications

The whole program ties in with how Greta Thunberg, as a representative of "civil society", was given lots of attention at the 2019 and 2020 WEF summits, at which she stated that "our house is on fire", calling for "urgent action, stressing the need for 'real zero' emissions."[4]

Several "stakeholders" have pronounced to the WEF how they envisaged a Great Reset[5]:

  • Microsoft's Brad Smith stated "As people return to work, we can continue to expect digital technology and data to fundamentally to be the infrastructure for this decade and for the Great Reset." He further stated that (an unspecified) 'we' need to sustain people's ('their') trust. "This means protecting their privacy, their security, and ensuring that new technologies, especially artificial intelligence are deployed responsibly around the world."
  • Kristalina Georgieva from the IMF stated that "The digital economy is the big winner of this crisis," and suggested "public and private investments for low-carbon industries, bizarrely stating - this from the institution that has done most to deepen world inequality -that she wants a "fairer"society.
  • Ajay Singh from MasterCard wanted to "bring the private sector to the party", but where one needed enormous trust between the private and public sector for this to actually work".[6]
  • Saadia Zahidi, Head of the New Economy and Society at the World Economic Forum opined “Businesses have an opportunity to affect change in not just their own workforces, the communities that they represent, but through their advertising, through their products, they have the power to change society”. He also envisages "a completely different approach to the content and delivery of education,"[7] an "education 4.0"[8]
  • Geraldine Matchett, CFO at Royal DSM, sees the crisis as a great equalizer between the sexes in terms of constraints. She wants to reinvent the workplace, "where the 9-5 or 9-10" [sic] depending on the kind of job, "is gone".[9]

An article in The Hill from June 2020 mentions:[10]

On 4 February 2022, Neil Clark tweeted:

Yup. We’re in the next phase of the WEF’s ‘Great Reset’. Moving away from the ‘Covid phase’ to the Economic Collapse/Rationing/Net Zero stage. End goal:

‘In the future you will own nothing and you will be happy’.[11]

"Owning nothing" does of course not translate to communism; the idea is[12] that people are required to rent, lease or pay other forms of interest on everything, from cars to house hold utilities from a superclass who owns everything.

Martin Armstrong suggests (see his quote below[13]) that "The Great Reset" is just another word for monetary reform. The IMF agrees: We must seize this new Bretton Woods moment. - (Kristalina Georgieva, IMF Managing Director Washington, DC, October 15, 2020[14])

Monetary reforms are a systemic (mathematical) necessity in a our current monetary system due to the exponential growth of debts and money supply over time. Armstrong and others (Bernd Senf) agree that approximately every 70 years a major monetary reform must happen. The history of financial "resets" shows an astounding high count of incidences where old money is declared invalid and a new type of money decreed.[citation needed]

In this view, Klaus Schwab is not a visionary; his "job" is simply to announce the inevitable with a lot of gibberish decorating the cold hard fact, that exponential growth is not sustainable in the long run.[15] The SDS may have learned about these money mechanics by observing the buildup phase to the great depression in 1929 and hundreds of collapses of currencies over the past centuries.

Lockdowns, sanctions and most importantly the "green agenda" (CO²-punishments) all serve to drive down economic activity, which might be a precondition for a soft landing as opposed to a crash scenario like in 1929. Interestingly, sanctions (leading to very high oil prices), lockdowns and CO²-taxes seem to continue, even after the "cause" they were purportedly introduced for ceases to exist. Putin, as "WEF global leader", may therefore "support"[16][17] the drive towards a "reset" with his Invasion of Ukraine.

Own words

The project aims to connect lower carbon footprint and "key global governmental and business leaders" in "a historical moment to shape the system for the post-corona era"[18]. It envisages a "stakeholder capitalism" solution, where the big corporations become "trustees of society".

Noticeably left out of all these plans is any democratic participation, where people genuinely can decide over their own futures on a local level. The democratic process in the Great Reset is reduced to engagement with global governmental leaders and "stakeholders", i.e. self-appointed community leaders from NGOs, more often than not with positions dovetailing with the big corporations.

The forum launch also strongly hints at a reduction in material living standards for average citizens (but maybe not so much the owners of corporations or Prince Charles), especially in developed countries; "a change of lifestyles" to a green economy including pushing through a "rapid growth in digital" - as opposed to physical goods and services, like travel. The launch mentions "employment opportunities" and "opportunities for all" to "close the gaps in equality", but does not mention living standards.[19]

Klaus Schwab, along with his co author Thierry Malleret, published a book entitled "COVID-19: The Great Reset" in July 2020. "It's not enough to change a few policies or address short-term issues, what we need is a change of mindset, of lifestyles, of business models," said Schwab.

Many thanks to our Patrons who cover ~2/3 of our hosting bill. Please join them if you can.


  1. http://archive.today/2022.08.31-224307/https://datasmart.ash.harvard.edu/chorus-dumb-city-advocates-increases-how-do-we-define-truly-smart-city
  2. http://archive.today/2022.08.31-224326/https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smart_city
  3. http://archive.today/2018.11.27-234145/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GRybM76qx6I
  4. https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/01/greta-speech-our-house-is-still-on-fire-davos-2020/
  5. https://www.weforum.org/great-reset/live-updates/week-ending-june-7#greenest-recovery-ever-ma-jun-china-green-finance-committee
  6. https://youtu.be/yvVkZV1WHwk
  7. https://www.weforum.org/great-reset/live-updates/week-ending-june-7#greenest-recovery-ever-ma-jun-china-green-finance-committee
  8. https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/06/great-reset-social-contract-john-kerry-phillip-goff/
  9. https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/06/great-reset-social-contract-john-kerry-phillip-goff/
  10. https://thehill.com/opinion/energy-environment/504499-introducing-the-great-reset-world-leaders-radical-plan-to saved at Archive.is
  11. "Yup. We’re in the next phase of the WEF’s ‘Great Reset’"
  12. Why should I own a refrigerator, if I can lease one and always have the latest model? asks a WEF member[Who?] on the WEF website[Where?].
  13. https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/international-news/politics/what-is-the-motive/
  14. https://www.imf.org/en/News/Articles/2020/10/15/sp101520-a-new-bretton-woods-moment
  15. see Overpopulation#Debunking_Malthusian_claims for debunking the WEF's (Club of Rome) simplified notion, that population growth is the single most important factor to blame. Probably, what is actually exponentially growing is debts/credits and with it an escalation in predator prey dynamics.
  16. The WEF program may serve to both lobby and control (manipulate) their members. Putin was put in a double-bind situation, facing two bad options, whether he attacked or not.
  17. Wladimir Putin erklärt Fiatgeld-System für gescheitert https://deutsche-wirtschafts-nachrichten.de/518435/Wladimir-Putin-erklaert-Fiatgeld-System-fuer-gescheitert
  18. https://www.weforum.org/great-reset/live-updates/week-ending-june-7#greenest-recovery-ever-ma-jun-china-green-finance-committee
  19. https://www.weforum.org/great-reset/live-updates/week-ending-june-7#klaus-schwab-closing-comments