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(Operating system)Rdf-entity.pngRdf-icon.png
Windows darkblue 2012.svg
A closed source operating system by Microsoft.

Microsoft Windows is a widely used, by some considered more insecure,[1][2][3] closed source operating system. Starting with the Windows-95 version, claims were made that Microsoft is secretly collecting user data.[4] The most commonly used alternative is Linux.

Windows NT

In August 1999 Andrew D. Fernandes of Cryptonym Corporation discovered a variable in Windows NT 4 Service Pack 5 (which had been released unstripped of its symbolic debugging data) entitled "_NSAKEY".[5] Microsoft stated that this was "simply an unfortunate name" connected to NSA export control [6] and denied that it was a backdoor for the NSA.[7] The independent computer security specialist Bruce Schneier did take a similar stand on the issue, by saying that it is rather unlikely the "NSAKEY" is part of a backdoor.[8]

Windows 10

Full article: Rated 3/5 Mass surveillance

With the introduction of Windows 10 Microsoft changed a lot of privacy aspects of the operating system, which it back-ported to earlier versions.

Microsoft had renewed its Privacy Policy and Service Agreement a couple of days after the launch of Windows 10. The organisation European Digital Rights (EDRi) did copy the text from both documents over into a text editor and ended with 45 pages of text to analyze: "Summing up these 45 pages, one can say that Microsoft basically grants itself very broad rights to collect everything you do, say and write with and on your devices in order to sell more targeted advertising or to sell your data to third parties. The company appears to be granting itself the right to share your data either with your consent “or as necessary”."[9] Owing to stronger privacy laws in the European Union, data protection authorities in Germany, France, Netherlands, Slovenia, Hungary, Spain and Great Britain had to look into the data sending behavior of Windows 10, concluding that it is possible to end most data transfer with the enterprise version, if not all.[10][11] Also in 2015 allegations surfaced that Microsoft had backported the increased data collection to older version of the Windows operating system (7/8) via "recommended" patches/updates.[12]

The "Criticism of Windows 10" has it's own Wikipedia article.[13]

Windows 11

Hacking Windows Recall To See Everything

On the 26th or September 2023 Microsoft will introduce an "AI powered copilot" to the operating system,[14] "inspired by ChatGPT".[15]

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