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RobinEdwin P. Wilson426 October 2016An illustrative character who is not mentioned enough elsewhereEdwin Wilson was just one more deep state spook, but exposure of his "Arms For Libya sheds useful light on the deep state. Note Wilson's close connections with other spooks, and his involvement in CIA drug dealing.
RobinDocument:Reset This!49 May 2015A reminder of how much supposedly out-of-the-box thinking has been captured."Why has the Second Coming boiled down to a cheque in the mail?..." I read this for Episode #710 of my radio show... "Reset nothing. Recreate everything."
RobinUSS Liberty Incident418 July 2017Wordy but importantThis is a rather long article, but one which gives a detailed set of insights into this failed false flag.
RobinSunny Sheu426 April 2016A good summary of a hugely under-reported and ominous murder.This page may be the clearest exposition on WWW of the fate of this courageous whistleblower.
RobinTWA Flight 800330 November 2018A summary of this highly suspicious deep event.No definitive conclusion, but an introduction to a deep event which remain undeciphered to this day.
RobinOperation 4041 September 2016A rather disorganised overview of this essential groupingOperation 40 in some ways was when the wheels really fell off the "national interest" wagon - the CIA spooks quickly used the fact that men trained to kill without asking why could be used for private as well as public purposes, and the senior group members became a key tool in both the JFK assassintion and subsequent deep events.
RobinJosé Sanjenís Perdomo41 September 2016A sound introduction to this shady characterPerdomo played a key role in Operation 40 - the CIA hit squad run out of Ted Shackley's Miami station - connected to the JFK Assassination. His witnessing the assassination of John Lennon is therefore remarkable. Wikipedia deleted their page on him in 2015...
Robin2006 Mexico DC-9 drug bust519 August 2016"Cocaine One" - 5½ tons of cocaine aboard a plane that lands in Mexico. It then disappears.Many people are still unaware that things like this can happen. The CIA connected plane was later used for rendition. Porter Goss suddenly resigns as CIA Director for unstated reasons. Corporate media uninterested.
RobinWikipedia/Problems42 July 2016A competent run through of some of the significant failings of this very successful websiteWikipedia is good at what it is good at, very good. There are however some verifiable blind spots, which are predictable and systematic in nature. This page should alert the reader frustrated by Wikipedia's systematic bias, censorship and other problems.
RobinCorporate media/Censorship38 November 2017An important but brief articleThis article gives a good overview, but lacks examples.
RobinAndreas Straßmeir327 July 2019An interesting guy.This is only a selection of pointers really, but it's a story not well told elsewhere that I've seen.
RobinDeep State517 December 2023A highly recommended overview of deep statesThis page is an excellent starting point to understanding what this website is about. As well as a summary of how deep states operate, see the "Examples" section for a list of all the deep states which have pages on the site.
RobinRussian apartment bombings426 August 2016A good introduction to this rather sidelined eventUnderstanding this event - carried out while Putin was FSB premier - is an easy way to understand why the Russians have not exposed 9-11. And if the Russians have chosen not to, do you see any other national governments doing so?
RobinFalse flag418 July 2017An essential topic!This article explains this vital tactic, increasingly being unmasked by independent investigators worldwide.
RobinSexual Blackmail38 November 2017Recommended readingBlackmail pervades not only the political sphere, but also the highest level of the commercially-controlled media. This article may go some way to correcting the blindspot big media has in its presentation of stories about sexual indiscretions.
RobinWhistleblower418 July 2016A good selection of important whistleblowers neglected by corporate media.There are a few gaps, and whistleblowers who don't even get a mention, this is a thought provoking selection which should give you an idea of what corporate media have been censoring.
RobinOfficial narrative31 July 2016An important concept on WikispooksThis provides an overview of both 'Official narratives' and 'Official opposition narratives' can be used to frame debates in ways that suit the establishment.
RobinDocument:Collateral Damage 911425 January 2015An informative depiction of 9/11 as cover for a huge financial crimeAs someone who has looked - so I thought - fairly closely at 9/11, I was not expecting to discover what this document laid out for me - an entirely new angle to the event, backed up by what appear to be a lot of references and a few loose ends tied up. It is not without a fair degree of speculation, but gave me - at least - a highly thought provoking angle on the event which I had hitherto missed. It is drawn on by Mark Gorton for his compelling essay on Document:Fifty Years of the Deep State.
RobinStrategy of tension311 February 2019An important topicA reasonable overview of this undermentioned topic.
Robin9-11/Media_response38 November 2017A good overview of how big media responded to 9-11The corporate media marched in lock step for a month or so after 9-11, and for years had nothing to say about the obvious flaws in the official narrative, such as the anomalous collapse of World Trade Center 7.