Tulane University

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Alumni on Wikispooks

Howard Baker15 November 192526 June 2014USPolitician
Deep state operative
Suspected deep state operative assisted for many years by Cercle attendee George Montgomery
Ashley Biden8 June 1981USPhilanthropyDaughter of Joe Biden
Hale Boggs15 February 191416 October 1972Politician
JFK/Assassination/Premature death
A US House Majority Leader who strongly dissented from the official narrative of the JFK Assassination. His small plane disappeared without trace in Alaska, together with Nick Begich and two other men.
Andrew Breitbart1 February 19691 March 2012USJournalist
A political commentator who died of "heart failure" after exposing Anthony Weiner's sexting
Ian Bremmer12 November 1969USAcademic
Deep state operative
President and founder of the Eurasia Group. Heavy MSC habit, CFR, TLC, YGL 2007, Bilderberg 2007
Neil Bush22 January 1955BusinesspersonSon of George H. W. Bush, involved in the Savings and loan fraud.
Edward Clark15 July 190616 September 1992Diplomat
Texan associate of Lyndon B. Johnson
Martha Crenshaw2 September 1945AcademicOne of the pioneers in terrorism studies
Wayne Downing10 May 194018 July 2007SoldierAuthor of the Downing Plan, a blueprint for the 2003 invasion of Iraq.
Jim Garrison20 November 192121 October 1992USLawyer
Newt Gingrich17 June 1943
Jimmy Hayes21 December 1946USPoliticianAfter Hill & Knowlton's involvement in the mendacious testimony of "Nurse" Nayirah al-Ṣabaḥ was exposed, Jimmy Hayes estimated that the Kuwaiti government funded as many as 20 PR, law and lobby firms in its campaign to mobilize US opinion and force against Saddam Hussein. <a href="#cite_note-1">[1]</a>
Kristie Ann Kenney24 May 1955USDiplomatAmbassador with postings in Thailand, Philippines, Ecuador; political-military officer in the Office of NATO Affairs.
Michael Kurtz1941Academic
Bob Livingston30 April 1943Lawyer
Huey Long30 August 189310 September 1935Politician
Politician/Premature deaths
Edward Douglass White3 November 184519 May 1921Judge
Lawrence Wright2 August 1947Author
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