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Vecdi Diker190813 July 1997US-educated Turkish engineer and Directorate of Highways. Early Bilderberg guest.
Hrant Dink15 September 1954January 2007
Haluk Dinçer1962Turkish business executive married into the Sabanci family. Turkish Industry and Business Association chair
Suzan Sabancı Dinçer1965Double Bilderberger Turkish businesswoman
İhsan Doğramacı3 April 191525 February 2010Turkish doctor and university administrator
Cem Duna25 January 1947Single Bilderberg Turkish diplomat
Naz DurakoğluTurkish-American civil servant, Assistant Secretary of State for Legislative Affairs under Joe Biden.
Bulent Ecevit28 May 19255 November 2006As Turkish prime minister, admitted that a secret army had been involved in torture, assassinations and coups d'etat
Nejat Eczacıbaşı5 January 19136 October 1993Triple Bilderberger Turkish businessman who co-founded Turkish Industrialists' and Businessmen's Association
Sibel Edmonds18 January 1970Sibel Edmonds was recruited by the FBI as a translator in the wake of 9/11. She quickly turned whistleblower when she discovered security breaches, cover-ups and malpractice at numerous levels. The US government has made her "the most gagged person in the history of the United States".
Necmettin Erbakan29 October 192627 February 2011Prime Minister that was forced by the deep state and military to step down.
Gazi Ercel20 February 1945Turkish central banker and 4 times Bilderberger
Emre ErdoğanAttended Bilderberg 2022 as a professor of political science at Istanbul Bilgi University
Sedat Ergin1957Educated at Robert College. Hürriyet's Washington correspondent for six years. Worked for Turkish version of CNN.
Üstün Ergüder1935Rector of Bosporus University, Board Member of the Vehbi Koç Foundation
Nihat Erim17 February 191219 July 1980Prime Minister of Turkey 1971-1972
Meral Gezgin Eriş1957Lobbyist for Turkish membership of the European Union.
Melih Esenbel191527 July 1995Single Bilderberger, Three time Turkish ambassador to the United States
Levi Eshkol25 October 189526 February 1969
Kenan Evren17 July 19179 May 2015
Mehmet Eymür1943In 1995-6 he led the Tcounter-terrorism department of the Turkish National Intelligence Organization
Turan Feyzioglu192224 March 1988Attended the 1975 Bilderberg as Deputy Prime Minister of Turkey
İmregül GencerTurkish financier who attended the 2005 Bilderberg
Nail Gidel19092 March 1981Attended the 1959 Bilderberg as Governor of the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey
Abdullah Gul29 October 1949President of Turkey 2007-2014, Attended the Halifax International Security Forum/2014, Munich Security Conference/2015, WEF/Annual Meeting/2007, member of the US/Department/State/International Visitor Leadership Program
Zeynep GögüsTurkish journalist doing PR-work for the European Union to influence Turkey.
Oğuz Gökmen19162007Turkish diplomat and ambassador.
Nilüfer Göle1953Turkish sociologist living in France
Emre Gönensay1937Technocrat who privatized the Turkish economy, then Turkish Foreign Minister.
Tayyibe Gülek1968Turkish economist
Fethullah Gülen27 April 1941Funds and leads a large network of Islamic schools doubling as CIA proxies
Levent Gümrükçü1968Turkish diplomat
Zeynep Gürel1964Turkish politician who attended the 2010 Bilderberg.
Gönenç Gürkaynak1976Turkish corporate lawyer for Google, Twitter and Wikipedia who attended the 2015 Bilderberg. His brother attended the 2023 Bilderberg.
Refet GürkaynakTurkish economist who attended 2023 Bilderberg meeting. His brother, corporate lawyer Gönenç Gürkaynak, attended the 2015 Bilderberg meeting.
Kadri Gürsel1961Turkish journalist
Vahit Halefoglu19 November 191921 January 2017Turkish senior diplomat at Foreign Minister
Talât Sait Halman7 July 19315 December 2014Turkish intellectual with close ties to the United States
Attila Hildmann22 April 1981German-Turkish TV chef, turned "anti-vaxxer" and "far-right conspiracy theorist"
Baki Ilkin3 October 194329 April 2018High-ranking Turkish diplomat who attended the 1983 Bilderberg meeting.
Hasan Işık19162 July 1989Turkish diplomat and politician who attended the 1975 Bilderberg meeting.
Sebnem Kalemli-ÖzcanTurkish Bilderberger economist who in 2021 pushed COVAX jab initiative for poor countries.
Jak Kamhi13 June 19257 October 2020Turkish Bilderberger businessman
Muharrem Kayhan1955Chairman of TÜSIAD. Bilderberg 2000
Gülten Kazgan5 June 1927Known as the "Doyen of Economics" in Turkey
Muhtar Kent1952Deep state connected Coca-Cola CEO/Chair
Ilhan Kesici22 November 1948Turkish politician and Bilderberger
Fuat Keyman1958Turkish Bilderberger academic
Sami Kohen192818 October 2021Turkish journalist who attended the 2009 Bilderberg
Fehmi Koru24 July 1950Turkish journalist and writer on "democracy and Islam". The pioneer of the Justice and Development Party. Attended the 2006 Bilderberg conference, although subscribing to several "conspiracy theories", including being the first ever to write about the deep state Ergenekon.