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Giles Chichester10 June 199926 May 2014
Giulietto Chiesa20 July 200413 July 2009
Efthimios Christodoulou19841990
Efthimios Christodoulou19941999
Derek Roland Clark10 June 20042 July 2014
Nick Clegg10 June 199910 June 2004
Daniel Cohn-Bendit19 July 19941 July 2014For Germany 1994-1999 and 2004-2009; for France; 1999–2004 and 2009–2014
Trevor Colman1 October 200826 May 2014
Jean Pierre Cot19781979
Jean Pierre Cot19841999
José Manuel Torres Couto19891999
Simon Coveney20 July 200424 June 2007
Pat Cox25 July 198920 July 2004
João Cardona G. Cravinho19891994
Bob Cryer19841989
William Dartmouth14 July 2009
William Dartmouth14 July 2009
Jacques Delors1 July 197925 May 1981
Diane Dodds4 June 2009
Andrzej Duda1 July 201412 June 2015
Andrew Duff10 June 19992 July 2014
Olivier Duhamel19972004
Bill Newton Dunn1 May 19992 July 2014
Karoline Edtstadler2 July 20196 January 2020
Jill Evans10 June 1999
Robert Evans9 June 199410 June 2009
Elisa Ferreira20042016
Vicky Ford4 June 2009
Ashley Fox4 June 20091 July 2019
Marie-France Garaud19942002
Julie Girling14 July 2009
James Goldsmith19941997
Sylvie Goulard7 June 200925 June 2014
Sylvie Goulard25 June 201417 May 2017
Bernard Guetta2 July 2019Attended Bilderberg/1998.
Fiona Hall10 June 20042 July 2014
Malcolm Harbour10 June 19992 July 2014
Eero Heinäluoma2019
Roger Helmer1 May 1999
Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert20 July 200417 June 2010
Monika Hohlmeier1 July 2009
François Hollande20 July 199917 December 1999
François Hollande20 July 199917 December 1999
Mary Honeyball17 February 2000
Ian Hudghton10 June 1999
Stephen Hughes14 June 19842 July 2014
John Hume10 June 197913 June 2004
Jana Hybášková20042009
Johannes Jansen1 July 20145 May 2015
Stanley Johnson7 June 197914 June 1984