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Page nameDied on
Hermann Göring15 October 1946
Niels Haagerup29 June 1986
Jacob de Haan30 June 1924
Philip Habib25 May 1992
Hissène Habré24 August 2021
Otto von Habsburg4 July 2011
Juvenal Habyarimana6 April 1994
Briton Hadden27 February 1929
Lawrence Hafstad12 October 1993
Patrick Haggerty1 October 1980
Jörg Haider11 October 2008
Alexander Haig20 February 2010
Corey Haim10 March 2010
Richard Haldane19 August 1928
H. R. Haldeman12 November 1993
Vahit Halefoglu21 January 2017
J. Evetts Haley9 October 1995
William Haley6 September 1987
Arnold Hall9 January 2000
Loran Eugene HallApril 1995
Nicola Hall21 December 1988
Reginald Hall22 October 1943
Geir Hallgrímsson1 September 1990
Erle Halliburton13 October 1957
Walter Hallstein29 March 1982
Fritz Halm4 January 2005
Talât Sait Halman5 December 2014
Alexander Halpern28 June 1956
Samuel Halpern7 March 2005
Ted Halstead2 September 2020
Charles Jocelyn Hambro1963
Denis Hamilton7 April 1988
Edward S. Hamilton30 June 2006
Iain Hamilton15 July 1986
Thomas Hamilton13 March 1996
Hew Hamilton-Dalrymple26 December 2018
George Hamilton-Gordon14 December 1860
Bernd Hamm19 June 2015
Dag Hammarskjöld18 September 1961
Armand Hammer10 December 1990
Fred Hampton4 December 1969
Hidipo Hamutenya6 October 2016
Harvey Hancock8 January 1996
Michael Jon Hand2020
Philip Haney21 February 2020
Chris Hani10 April 1993
Hani Hanjour11 September 2001
Maurice Hankey26 January 1963
Robert J. Hanks8 July 2001
Michael Hanley1 January 2001