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     Page name     BornDiedSummaryDescription
Eugene Meyer31 October 187517 July 1959Spook
Central banker
Cathy MinehanCentral banker
Michael Moskow7 January 1938Central bankerUS central banker who attended the 2001 and 2002 Bilderbergs
Montagu NormanCentral banker
Ewald Nowotny28 June 1944Politician
Central banker
Austrian politician and central banker
Christian Noyer6 October 1950Central bankerGovernor of the Banque de France 2003-2015
Gabriela Núñez25 October 1962Politician
Central banker
Central banker WEF/Global Leaders for Tomorrow/2000. Honduran Presidential candidate several times. Minister of Finance in the US-backed coup government that ousted President Manuel Zelaya in 2009.
Leslie O'Brien8 February 190824 November 1995Central banker
Lucas Papademos11 October 1947Central bankerBanker and economic hitman who on behalf of international finance implemented severe budget austerity in Greece to establish a debt trap.
Rupert L. Pennant-Rea23 January 1948Editor
Central banker
UK central banker who attended the 1989 Bilderberg as Editor of The Economist
William PiercyEconomist
Central banker
Stephen Poloz1955Deep state functionary
Central banker
Canadian deep state functionary who as Governor of the Bank of Canada in March 2020 increased the money supply.
Jerome Powell4 February 1953Banker
Central banker
Karl Otto Pöhl1 December 19299 December 2014Central bankerGerman double Bilderberger central banker, Delors committee, Group of Thirty
Guy Quaden5 August 1945Economist
Central banker
Belgian central banker sitting on many boards
Sarah Bloom Raskin15 April 1961Lawyer
Central banker
Member of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and a former United States Deputy Secretary of the Treasury.
Louis Rasminsky1 February 190815 September 1998Central bankerGovernor of the Bank of Canada from 1961 to 1973
Klaus Regling3 October 1950Financier
Central banker
Chief Executive Officer of the European Financial Stability Facility and Managing Director of the European Stability Mechanism. Considered as a possible head of the European Central Bank
Olli Rehn31 March 1962Politician
Central banker
Attended the 2007 Bilderberg as European Commissioner for Enlargement. FIFA COVID-19 Relief Plan steering committee chair
Gordon Richardson25 November 191522 January 2010Lawyer
Central banker
Governor of the Bank of England 1973-83
Alice M. Rivlin4 March 1931Central bankerWrote a working paper entitled The Outlook For The Economy And Employment In The United States for the 1984 Bilderberg
Lars Rohde21 March 1954Economist
Central banker
Danish central banker
Eric Roll1 December 190730 March 2005Academic
Deep politician
Central banker
Attended 36 Bilderberg conferences - more than anyone else from UK.
Ivar Rooth2 November 188827 February 1972Lawyer
Central banker
Swedish Managing Director of the IMF
Reino Rossi19 November 19198 March 1985Academic
Central banker
Finnish central banker who attended Bilderberg 1974 and 1977.
Salvatore Rossi6 January 1949Economist
Central banker
Italian central banker who attended the 2018 Bilderberg.
Mariano Rubio14 November 19314 October 1999Economist
Central banker
Governor of the Bank of Spain. Attended Bilderberg/1986. Delors committee. Jailed for fraud in 1996.
Nicolai Rygg29 February 187227 September 1957Economist
Central banker
Deep state actor
Norwegian economist and Governor of the Central Bank of Norway (Norges Bank). His "independent" economic austerity policies contributed to the severe economic troubles in the 1920s and 1930s. He was behind the 1928 toppling of the first Labour Party cabinet in Norway, which only sat for sixteen days. He continued to work in an "unpolitical" role during the German occupation 1940-45.
Rüşdü Saraçoğlu1948Central bankerTurkish central banker, Koç Holding, Trilateral Commission.
Hjalmar Schacht3 June 1970Politician
Central banker
Helmut Schlesinger4 September 1924Economist
Central banker
David Scholey28 June 1935Central bankerGovernor of the Bank of England
Pierre-Paul Schweitzer29 May 19122 January 1994Central bankerManaging Director of the IMF for 10 years, multi Bilderberger as was his son
Minouche Shafik5 February 1962Economist
Central banker
The youngest vice-president in the history of the World Bank where she worked for 15 years, Bank of England/Deputy Governor Gates Foundation trustee...
Jon Sigurdsson23 August 1946Politician
Central banker
Icelandic politician
Jan Smets2 January 1951Central banker
Anthony Solomon27 December 191915 January 2008Central bankerBilderberger, Group of Thirty, Trilateral Commission
Jürgen Stark31 May 1948Economist
Central banker
"Chief economist" of the European Central Bank for some years
John M. Stevens19131973Central bankerBritish banker who attended the 1962 Bilderberg meeting.
Kjell Storvik20 November 1930Economist
Central banker
Deep state operative
Central Bank Governor of Norway, Vice President of the Norwegian Shipowners' Association, Bilderberg
Yannis Stournaras10 December 1956Economist
Central banker
Greek economist who attended Bilderberg/2009, then installed as finance minister in 2012 and Governor of the Bank of Greece in 2014 - where he pauperized Greece.
Cecil de Strycker19152004Economist
Central banker
Deep state operative
Governor of the National Bank of Belgium (NBB) from 1975 until 1982.
Daniel TarulloNovember 1952Central bankerThe Federal Reserve's "regulatory point man". Resigned unexpectedly in 2017
Gordon Thiessen14 August 1938Central banker
Hans Tietmeyer18 August 193127 December 2016Economist
Central banker
President of the German Bundesbank
Graham Towers29 September 18974 December 1975Central bankerFirst Governor of the Bank of Canada. Unintentionally revealed how banking works.
Jean-Claude Trichet20 December 1942Economist
Civil servant
Central banker
Deep state operative
President of the European Central Bank, Governor of the Bank of France, Bilderberg Steering committee
Heinrich Troeger4 March 190128 August 1975Central bankerGerman politician who attended the first and fourth Bilderbergs, then became Vice President of the Bundesbank
Gertrude Trumpel-Gugerell11 November 1952Central bankerAustrian central banker. Attended 2 Bilderberg meetings as member of the executive board of the European Central Bank.
Turkey/Central Bank/GovernorCentral banker