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Labour Foreign Policy GroupA foreign policy think tank affiliated with the British Labour Party.
Legatum Institute
Misgav Institute for National Security and Zionist Strategy
Mont Pelerin Societyinfluential neoliberal think-tank
New Atlantic InitiativeSpooky transatlantic think tank
New Local Government Network
Norwegian Institute of International AffairsA semi-official foreign policy think tank close to the [Norwegian Defence Research Establishment and the military intelligence service.
Nuclear Threat Initiative
Policy Search
Population MattersLondon-based think tank seeking to reduce the number of live births globally in an effort to reduce human impact on the environment.
Potomac Institute for Policy Studies
Prague Security Studies InstituteCzech think-tank established with extensive ties to neoconservative circles. Mentioned in the Integrity Initiative's EXPOSE network.
Progressive Vision
Quincy Institute For Responsible StatecraftPeace think tank with deep state funders
Saint-Simon FoundationThink tank which for almost twenty years imposed Washington’s thinking in France.
Science Media Centre"Independent" media briefing centre for scientific issues in the UK, enjoying close links with the British government and corporations.
Security and Defence Agenda
Social Justice Scotland
Strategic and Defence Studies CentreSecurity think-tank at Australian National University
The Muslim Institute
The Sydney InstituteAustralian business-friendly talking forum
Tony Blair Institute for Global ChangeSet up by former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair
Transantlantic Leadership NetworkBehind-the-scenes transatlantic think-tank
United States Committee for a Free LebanonNeocon/Israeli front group lobbying to make US government intervene in Lebanon, also military.
University of Sydney/United States Studies Centre
Woodrow Wilson International Center for ScholarsInfluential and discreet Washington think tank
Zentrum Liberale Moderne