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Concept.png Sexualisation
(social change,  dumbing down)Rdf-entity.pngRdf-icon.png

The sexualisation of a society is an accentuation of the sexual.


Influential leaders of a society (typically older men) have a long history of decrying and seeking to control the sexual energy and expression of younger generations.

Modern trends

Modern technology has greatly facilitated the production and dissemination of pornography.Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; refs with no name must have content

Child pornography

Child pornography, and sexual intercourse with minors in particular, has long been a central plank of statecraft, because of the popularity and effectiveness of sexual blackmail. This has replace homosexuality, formerly an important part of the deep state repertoire, but which is now legal in most jursidictions.


Related Quotation

2021“Children report having online sexual interactions at high rates — both with their peers and people they believe to adults: 25 percent of kids 9-17 reported having had a sexually explicit interaction with someone they thought was 18 or older, compared to 23 percent of participants that had a similar experience with someone they believed to be a minor. (...) The majority of children who block or report other users say those same users quickly find them again online: More than half of children who blocked someone said they were contacted again by the same person again, either through a new account or a different platform. This was true both for people children knew in real life (54 percent) and people they had only met online (51 percent).”Casey Newton2021
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