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Page nameBornDiedNationalitySummaryDescription
Gijs de Vries22 February 1956NetherlandsDeep state operative
"Terror expert"
Dutch "terror expert" WEF/Global Leaders for Tomorrow 1998...
Jason Walters6 March 1985Netherlands
Quia Oportet
"Terror expert"
A convicted terrorist who's Hofstadgroup - being under siege 2 miles from The Hague's parliamentary quarter - helped Islam becoming a permanent enemy image in Dutch sentiment.
Leonard WeinbergAcademic
"Terror expert"
Michael WeissUSJournalist
"Terror expert"
Atlantic Council oriented journalist
John C. Whitehead2 April 19227 February 2015USBanker
Deep state functionary
"Terror expert"
Suspected US deep state functionary who discussed "terrorism" at the 1986 Bilderberg. Various USDS connections including the Bilderberg Steering Committee
Quintan Wiktorowicz1970USAcademic
"Terror expert"
Paul Wilkinson9 May 193711 August 2011Academic
"Terror expert"
Promoted the study of "terrorism" at the University of St. Andrews after being appointed a Professor of International Relations there in 1989.
Jason WisemanCanadaDeep state operative
"Terror expert"
Atlantic Treaty Association General Secretary
Juan ZarateUSSpook
"Terror expert"
Worked on expanding the use of Treasury powers to advance national security interests. U.S. representative to get control over the Vatican's finances.