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Jacinda Ardern Zealand PM quickly feted by the rich and powerful around the world after her 2017 election. Worked for Tony Blair. Responsible for sealing off New Zealand during Covid-19.
Sonia Arrison futurist author and opponent of any paper evidence in electronic voting. Attended the 2010 Bilderberg
Andrew Ashdown
Assassination Archives and Research Center
Sam Atkinson
Atlantic Council part of the modern military-industrial congressional complex.
Atlantic Council of the United Kingdom
Atlantic Treaty Association pro-NATO think tank.
Jacques Attali deep politician and academic. "The real bourgeoisie running the world is about 1,000 people. They are running capitalism." Attended the 1975 Bilderberg, Le siecle
Auburn University University with many military alumni
Avaaz hugely popular clicktivist site with spooky connections.
Avalon Foundation
Axis of Logic that was "committed to publishing news and commentary that is often not presented in the major news outlets". Exists in archived form since 2022.
Aslı Aydıntaşbaş journalist in Cumhuriyet, Milliyet, CNN Türk. Deep state connections. Attended the 2013 Bilderberg meeting.
Kelly Ayotte lawyer and politician, Attorney General of New Hampshire 2004-2009
BP oil company implicated in the 1953 Iran Coup.
Babylon Bee website censored since 2020.
Andrew Bacevich historian and officer who was "a persistent, vocal critic of the U.S. occupation of Iraq, calling the conflict a catastrophic failure."
Bahçeşehir University Turkish university founded "to teach the future leaders of the country".
Balenciaga company which hit the headlines in November 2022 for hidden references to child abuse in its ads.