Vote Leave

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Group.png Vote Leave  Rdf-entity.pngRdf-icon.png
Vote Leave.jpg
Founder• Dominic Cummings.jpg Dominic Cummings
• Matthew Elliott.jpg Matthew Elliott

Vote Leave was a faction in British politics that favoured leaving the European Union in the 2016 EU Referendum.[1] On 13 April 2016 it was designated by the Electoral Commission as the official campaign in favour of leaving the European Union in the Referendum.[2]

Vote Leave was founded in October 2015 by political strategists Matthew Elliott and Dominic Cummings as a cross-party campaign.[3] It involved Members of Parliament from the Conservative Party, Labour Party and the sole UKIP MP, Douglas Carswell along with MEP Daniel Hannan and Conservative peer Lord Lawson. Labour MP Gisela Stuart served as chairman and Leader of the Vote Leave Campaign Committee as Co-Convenor with Michael Gove MP, of the Conservatives.[4] The campaign was also supported by a number of prominent politicians; including outgoing Mayor of London Boris Johnson, who became a key figurehead for the Vote Leave campaign.[5]


Employee on Wikispooks

Lee CainHead of BroadcastFebruary 2016June 2016


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