Institute for Historical Review
Website of The Institute for Historical Review, a research and publishing organisation concerned especially with continuing reseach and critical examination of the established official narratives of the two 20th century world wars. |

Started: 13 March 1998
Founder: Mark Weber
In its own words:
"an independent educational research and publishing center that works to promote peace, understanding and justice through greater public awareness of the past, and especially socially-politically relevant aspects of twentieth-century history. We strive in particular to increase understanding of the causes, nature and consequences of war and conflict. We vigorously defend freedom of speech and freedom of historical inquiry.
Through books, booklets, leaflets, audio and video discs, broadcast interviews, meetings, conferences, mailings, websites and e-mail, we work to provide factual information and sound perspective on US foreign policy, World War Two, the Israel-Palestine conflict, Middle East history, the Jewish-Zionist role in cultural and political life, the "Holocaust" remembrance campaign, war propaganda, and much more.
The IHR continues the tradition of historical revisionism pioneered by distinguished historians such as Harry Elmer Barnes, AJP Taylor, Charles Tansill, Paul Rassinier and William H. Chamberlin. It strives, in the words of Barnes, to "bring history into accord with the facts.""
Documents sourced from Institute for Historical Review
Title | Type | Subject(s) | Publication date | Author(s) | Description |
Document:A Brief History of Forensic Examinations of Auschwitz | article | "The Holocaust" Auschwitz-Birkenau | March 2001 | Germar Rudolf | A review of the the series of forensic examinations of the Auschwitz concentration camp alleged gas chambers that began with The Leuchter report and ended with the imprisonment in Germany of this author for authoring a similar though more rigorous report that was published without his authority |
Document:Elie Wiesel - A Prominent False Witness | article | "The Holocaust" Elie Wiesel | 1987 | Robert Faurisson | Suppressed information about the "Chief Witness to The Holocaust" together with home-truths and opinion for which its author was beaten close to death. |
Document:In Eisenhower's Death Camps | article | Document:In Eisenhower's Death Camps Other Losses Dwight Eisenhower WW2/Aftermath | 1990 | Martin Brech | Reminiscences of a US soldier assigned as a guard to one of the Allies' Rhine Meadow concentration camps for "disarmed enemy combatants" after the German WWII surrender in 1945 |
Document:Tactics of Organized Jewry in Suppressing Free Speech | speech transcript | "Antisemitism" Judaic power Freedom of speech | June 2002 | Tony Martin | An edited transcript of Prof. Martins address to the 14th Conference of the Institute for Historical Review in Irvine, California about the tactics of organised Jewry in suppressing information they deem harmful to them |
Document:The Confessions of Rudolf Hoss | article | "The Holocaust" WW2 Auschwitz-Birkenau | 1986 | Robert Faurisson | Text and commentary on the confessions of Auschwitz camp commandant Rudolf Hoss secured under torture and gross ill-treatment by both his British and Polish inquisitors |
Document:The Danger and Challenge of Jewish-Zionist Power | speech transcript | Judaic power | 11 April 2015 | Mark Weber | A copiously referenced presentation about the massively disproportionate influence of Judaism in general and Zionism in particular, on the culture and politics of the USA. |
Document:The Jewish Role in the Bolshevik Revolution and Russia's Early Soviet Regime | article | Judaic power Russia The Bolsheviks Nicholas II/Death | January 1994 | Mark Weber | An analysis of the murder of Tsar Nicholas II and his family in July 1918. |