Wikispooks:Semantic Properties

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Revision as of 08:39, 3 January 2014 by Robin (talk | contribs) (a start)
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They are of 4 types:

13 Category:Special Properties built-in to Semantic Media Wiki
114 Category:Stable Properties working as planned and will be permanent features of this wiki
139 Category:Experimental Properties in use but not necessarily working properly or at all
1 Category:Mooted Properties not yet used, but awaiting feedback before implementation

New Properties

Be careful when creating new properties. Properties are easy to make, annoying to remove, so before defining a new property you should first mooting the idea by making a using template:property to make a property page explaining the idea. Then await feedback from others. See Special:Properties for an illustration of what can happen.

Official Narrative Properties

These are prefixed "ON_" and all have a counterpart without that prefix. They are for describing the official narrative where is diverges from the apparent evidence.

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