Mind control/Child Abuse

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Concept.png Mind control/Child Abuse
(Social control,  Torture,  Psychological warfare,  Psyop,  SRA)Rdf-entity.pngRdf-icon.png
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Mind Control aims to gain domination over the victim by making them cede their autonomy to the controlling person or group. Children are especially vulnerable to spiritual, emotional, physical and sexual abuse.

The history of Mind Control is intimately interwoven with child spiritual, emotional, physical and sexual abuse. Almost all victims of severe forms of mind control report being sexually abused as infants by adults or caretakers as part of the process[1].

Child abuse and traumatic bonding

Mind Control builds on the manipulation of attachment needs [1]. The need for attachment increases in the face of danger. For example, with the Stockholm Syndrome, victims of hostage situations begin to identify and empathize with their captors [2]. It is of vital importance to acknowledge that newborn mammals can not survive without a caretaker and that for biological reasons the need to bond with a protective figure may be hardwired in the brain. [3] [4]

A paradoxical situation arises when caretakers are simultaniously the source of terror: abused children often cling to their abusers and are easier to manipulate because of their increased need for protection and attachment [5]. When there is no access to ordinary sources of comfort, people may turn toward their tormentors. Adults as well as children may develop strong emotional ties with people who intermittently harass, beat, and threaten them [5].

Traumatic bonding legitimizes the inappropriate behaviors and demands of the perpetrator and, thus, may provide a sense of peace for the victim [6]. According to Ron Patton Josef Mengele coldly investigated the effects of traumatic bonding in children in the Auschwitz concentration camp. [7]

Child abuse combines traumatic bonding, assault on identity and developmental needs, furthering inner conflict, fear, shock, betrayal and suggestion. Often perpetrators suggest that victim's perception of reality is "wrong" in many ways, i.e. that they invited or seduced the perpetrator, what they do is out of "love" or "for their own good". This situation makes crazy because reality testing is denied or fails. "The child has no way of knowing whether its perception is true". [8]

The child may feel the need to incorporate the belief system of the perpetrator, think as he does, feel guilty, forget [9] and obey "willfully". Traumatic bonding enables the perpetrator to rationalize the abuse, when children take responsibility for the abuse in an efford to cope with an otherwise hopeless situation. Instead of turning on their caregivers and thereby losing hope for protection, they blame themselves.

Effects may range on a continuum from confusion, to obidience, to shaping believes and behaviour, to inflicting severe trauma, dissociation and mental enslavement or sysfunction or even psychosis.

"The persistence of these attachment bonds leads to confusion of pain and love. Assaults lead to hyperarousal states for which the memory can be state-dependent or dissociated, and this memory only returns fully during renewed terror. This interferes with good judgment about these relationships and allows longing for attachment to overcome realistic fears." Bessel van der Kolk (1989) - [5]

Freyd and collegues belief that trauma involving betrayal has a high propability of causing split off memories.[9] Betrayal is defined as abuse and deceit by caretakers or caretaking figures involving a severe power imbalance. These findings may be important for understanding mind control.

Poisonous paedagogy

Poisonous paedagogy is mind control applied to toddlers and infants in the form of coercive "education".

In 1977 Katharina Rutschky collected 600 pages of documents on child raring from 3 centuries. [10] The techniqes and beliefs characteristic for poisonous paedagogy were later "rediscovered" to be effective for changing beliefs in adults when Lifton (Brainwashing in China) investigated brainwashing in POWs in Korea and Chinese thought reform.

The authors recommend traumatizing toddlers, because it is effective in breaking down resistance and mental functions and because "educators" need not fear revenge. Adults won't remember what happened to them at an early age, they argue.[citation needed] Making children watch beheadings, sezessions, "teaching" them fear of death and illnesses, guilt and shame trips, harsh punishment, withholding love, rewards and affection, forced confessions and humiliations "can lead to a new world in 20 years" (J.B. Schupp, 1667, in[10])

Teaching submission and breaking the will of a child in the first year of life has been universally recommendend in these documents. It was widely believed that children are born with "bad" traits like willfulness, wickedness, egotism, impureity, immorality, "sinfulness", precociousness, smugness and a host of other projections. [10] These traits must be "driven out" by education and force, otherwise these traits will "torment their parents". Own thinking or judgment is discouraged or even denied.Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; invalid names, e.g. too many

The procedures proposed by paedagogy to remove "weak" traits and train "strength" (which is a way of rationalizing torture and projective identification) were often sadistic and included

  • making the toddler wait for food, or starving while seeing others eat
  • corporal punishment
  • social isolation
  • withdrawal of primary attachment figure
  • inflicting fear by telling scaring stories
  • threats and assaults
  • humiliation and degradation generally accepted as "good" methods
  • cheating and lying

In addition, recommended practices for parents and teachers included:

  • pretend to be god-like, never admit mistakes, never give in
  • constantly force children to follow orders and rituals in every aspect of their life so that following orders becomes habitual
  • use of stuborn repetitions as punishment
  • use of repetitive prayers, myths and storytelling to program the unconcious mind
  • restriction of social contact and movement
  • enforced silence, only talk when asked, no back-talk
  • forced standing
  • solidary confinement
  • control privacy
  • control sleep
  • teach children to suppress real feelings
  • teach children self-betrayal, ie. to show fake attitudes such as gratitude and humility for punishments and insults
  • forced confessions
  • betrayal of childrens trust in adults
  • group punishments
  • obsession with orderliness, discipline, obidience, docility and cleanliness
  • obsession with purity (cleanliness of thougts)
  • obsession with sexuality, sexuality is seen as overwhelming, untamable, demonic, powerful force
  • obsession with power (dependency-autonomy conflict)
  • spiritual abuse: threaten death, hell or punishment by god or demons; foster black/white thinking, blame-shifting, guilt-tripping, scapegoating, reductionist logic, learn to enjoy pain

Especially sadistic versions of poisonous paedagogy were cultivated in foster homes and christian boarding schools in monastries.[citation needed] These were breeding grounds for paedophily, perversions and sexual abuse. These abusive environments were active until and discovered in the 1980ies i.e. in Germany[citation needed] by victims speaking out, court orders and official reports. Apparently these institutions had not changed for centuries.

Until the 1970ies a sadistic manual on child rearing written by Nazi Doctor Johanna Haarer [11] was used as official training material for teachers in Germany and "could be found in nearly every household". [12] The book promoted the view that children are to be treated like enemies, harsh and without love. Rigid feeding plans, abandonment as punishment for crying and avoidance of eye contact should "harden" the toddler.

1988 the American Medical Association acknowledged for the first time that infants younger than 18 month may remember pain and that therefore anesthetization had to be used for surgery. Before toddlers often were paralyzed by poison and fully conscious during surgery. [13]

Denial and prevalence

Real father-daughter incest was estimated in 1975 to happen to 1 out of 1.100.000 women. The figure was wrong by a factor of 10.000. Father-daughter incest including penetration happen to 1 out of 100 women.[citation needed] The same textbook stated that incest is beneficial for the victim:

“...such incestouos activity diminishes the subject's chance of psychosis and allows for a better adjustment to the external world.”
Freedman et al. (1975)  [14]

In reality overt and latent forms of incest increases the chance of psychosis and malignant personality disorders, those who obsessively devalue self and others.[citation needed] Although not included in the official diagnosis of the DSM-IV 87% of borderline patients suffer from childhood trauma with an onset prior to age 7.[citation needed]

“Clearly our field would like to ignore social realities.”
Psychiatrist and trauma researcher Bessel van der Kolk (1992)  [citation needed]

Female violence - mainly physical, sexual and emotional (narcisstistic) abuse by mothers - is even more underestimated.[citation needed]. 30% of all mothers hit their toddlers regularly in 1992.(representative sample n>1000,[citation needed]) These mothers did not feel guilt. Moreover parents refusing to use corporal punishment are pressured by their communities.[citation needed]

Mother-son incest happens in 14-24% of all incest cases (~1%) in western societies.[citation needed] However, sexual abuse including fondling and psychological abuse is commited equally by mothers and fathers. [citation needed] Latent incest may be as destructive for the human psyche as overt incest.[citation needed] About 50% of rapists remember being incested with a particular high percentage of mothers involved in the incest.[citation needed]

Latent and overt incest or narcissistic abuse leaves the victim with a fragmented sense of self, a threatened identity and with difficulty testing reality. Victims may seek power over others or submission because in their experience "in interpersonal relationships there is only place for one self".[citation needed]

Notably, western society has a distorted view of the reality of child abuse, the resulting intergenerational trauma and its effects on violence against self and others.

“Both Haidee Faimberg (1988) and Ilony Kogan (1989) have shown us how direct and coercive these forms of inherited distress are and how they come to be acted out 'unto the seventh generation' - or at least in the generations to which we have so far had analytic access.”
Robert M. Young (1992)  [15]

Resisting psychological abuse

Trauma and abuse is not a side effect of mind control but at its very core. Processes that are highlighted in cases of severe child abuse have been translated into brainwashing and coercive programs for adults, who can be made to react similar to infants quite easily.

Understanding these processes is an effective way to resist manipulation.[citation needed] This includes understanding that psychopaths are aware of the fact that shocking realities are unacceptable for most people and that they can get away with it.



Page nameStartEndPerpetratorsDescription
Extreme Abuse Surveys
Ritual abuseTorture of children with the goal to create the next generation of cultists that will do the same. Possibly ongoing for hundreds of years.
The PedophocracyA term coined by David McGowan, who claims that the abuse of children forms a part of the habits of control of the ruling elite.
Traumatic bondingparadox dependency reaction due to victim's evoked care-seeking behavior
VIPaedophileAllegations of pedophilia amongst the most senior positions in society are persistent in many countries, as is the pattern of official denial, losing documents, sudden deaths of researchers and failure to prosecute.


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  1. a b Orit Badouk Epstein, Joseph Schwartz, and Rachel Wingfield Schwartz (ed.) (2011) RITUAL ABUSE AND MIND CONTROL: The Manipulation of Attachment Needs, London: Karnac Books. https://deprogramwiki.com/deprogramming/ritual-abuse-and-mind-control-the-manipulation-of-attachment-needs/#Towards_a_definition_of_spiritual_abuse
  2. Gachnochi, G., Skunik, N. (1992). The paradoxical effects of hostage taking. International Social Science Journal, 44, 235-246.
  3. Bowlby, J. (1971) Attachment and loss. London: Penguin Books.
  4. Bowlby, J. (1973). Separation: Anxieties and anger. London: Penguin Books.
  5. a b c van der Kolk, B. A. (1989). The compulsion to repeat the trauma: Re-enactment, revictimization, and masochism. Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 12, 389-411. online: http://www.cirp.org/library/psych/vanderkolk/
  6. Simpson, Laura (2006) Trauma reenactment: rethinking borderline personality disorder when diagnosing sexual abuse survivors. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, Apr 1, 2006. online: https://www.thefreelibrary.com/Trauma+reenactment%3a+rethinking+borderline+personality+disorder+when...-a0144666295
  7. http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/esp_sociopol_mindcon02.htm
  8. Claudia Heyne (1993) Täterinnen. Offene und versteckte Aggression von Frauen. Kreuz Verlag, Zürich. p.303 (Perpetraitors. Open and hidden aggression in women)
  9. a b Freyd, J. J. (1994). Betrayal-trauma: Traumatic amnesia as an adaptive response to childhood abuse. Ethics & Behaviour, 4, 307-329.
  10. a b c Katharina Rutschky (ed.) (1977) Schwarze Pädagogik. Ullstein, Berlin. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; name "Rutschky(1977)" defined multiple times with different content
  11. Johanna Haarer (1940) Die deutsche Mutter und ihr erstes Kind. München: Lehmann.
  12. https://de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Johanna_Haarer&oldid=168068307 (Ger.)
  13. Laurence Heller, Aline LaPierre (2012) HEALING DEVELOPMENTAL TRAUMA: How Early Trauma Affects Self-Regulation, Self-Image, and the Capacity for Relationship, North Atlantic Press. Ger. edition, Kösel, p.183
  14. Comprehensive textbook of psychatry
  15. http://www.human-nature.com/rmyoung/papers/paper3h.html BENIGN AND VIRULENT PROJECTIVE IDENTIFICATION IN GROUPS AND INSTITUTIONS