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Karoline Leavitt24 August 1997Republican political aide
Luke Letlow6 December 197929 December 2020Letlow died with COVID within two months of being elected to Congress.
Tyler Lindholm18 May 1983
Robert A. Lovett14 September 18957 May 1986
Cynthia Lummis10 September 1954
Ilya Mamantov1914A highly suspicious translator of Marina Oswald's testimony.
Jason Miller1984A close adviser of Donald Trump.
Mary Miller27 August 1959Republican politician from Illinois. Target of the ADL.
Sarah Palin11 February 1964
Rand Paul7 January 1963
Henry Paulson28 March 1946CEO of Goldman Sachs 1999-2006, attended the 2008 Bilderberg as US Secretary of the Treasury
Brian Sicknick30 July 19787 January 2021The Capitol Police Officer who died after the 2021 Washington D.C. Riots. His official cause of death is still unclear.
Diamond and Silk197010 January 2023African-American Trump supporting sisters, fired from Fox News for questioning COVID
Michele Sindona8 May 192022 March 1986A financier and member of the Italian deep state
Victoria Spartz6 October 1978Ukraine-born member of the US Congress
Sean Spicer23 September 1971Twice White House Press Secretary in 2017
Brittany Venti14 February 1997An American internet celebrity, who has been deeply affected by censorship on social media.
Malcolm Wallop27 February 193314 September 2011
Jackie Walorski17 August 19633 August 2022Republican politician from Indiana; premature death after winning her primary election.
Bill Weld31 July 1945
Paul Weyrich7 October 194218 December 2008
Ron Wright8 April 19537 February 2021Texas congressman who died of COVID.