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A Group Headquartered HereDateDescription
Kansas State UniversitySignificant agrodefense and biodefense research
Kellogg School of ManagementChicago business school
Kenyon College
Knox CollegePrivate liberal arts college in Illinois
La Salle UniversityCatholic university in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Lawrenceville SchoolOne of the oldest and most expensive preparatory schools in the United States
Lawyers Committee for 911 InquiryA organisation of professionals seeking legal accountability for the events of 9-11 and the prosecution of those responsible
Lehigh UniversityPrivate university in Pennsylvania
Lehman BrothersThe bank which collapsed in 2008, resulting - according to the official narrative - in the Global Financial Crisis.
Lincoln University (Pennsylvania)Historically black university in Pennsylvania
Long Island UniversityPrivate university in the U.S. state of New York.
Loretto AcademyPrivate Roman Catholic school in El Paso, Texas
Los Angeles TimesAggressively promoted COVID-19 jabs, and continues to be complicit in covering up the truth about the JFK/Assassination.
Louisiana State UniversityExpanded massively by governor Huey Pierce Long Jr. in 1930.
Loyola UniversityChicago private Catholic university
Lumina Foundation
Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation
MailchimpAutomated email subscriber service starting to censor users.
ManTech International CorporationManTech is one of the U.S. government’s leading providers of technologies for "national security"
Mansfield University of Pennsylvaniaa small public university in Pennsylvania
Marquette UniversityPrivate Jesuit university in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Marsh & McLennanBush connected company. Hit on 11 September 2001. Everybody present in the offices at the time of the attack died.
Marshall UniversityWest Virginia university
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Maxar TechnologiesTechnology company with links to US intelligence.
Mercer UniversityBaptist university in the state of Georgia, USA
MerckBig pharma with a long rap sheet of unethical practices
Merrill Lynch
Merritt CollegePublic community college in Oakland, California.
Middlebury College
Milton Academy
Mississippi College
Missouri State UniversityMidwestern University
ModernaSpooky tech company producing cure-all RNA vaccines
Morgan Guaranty TrustIn 1959 J.P. Morgan merged with the Guaranty Trust Company
Morgan Stanley
Morgan State UniversityHistorically black Baltimore university.
Motion Picture Association of America
Mount Holyoke CollegeExclusive Massachusetts women's college
Muhlenberg College
NanobiosymAmerican nanotechnology company
National Center for Public Policy Research
National Democratic Institute
National Institute of Drug AbuseUnited States federal government research institute whose mission is to "advance science on the causes and consequences of drug use and addiction and to apply that knowledge to improve individual and public health."
National Program Office
National Protection and Programs Directorate
National Resilience
New College of FloridaLiberal arts college in Florida. In 2023, the state government overhauled its board of trustees in an attempt to transform the school into a "beacon of conservative values."