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Hannes AndroschFormer Bilderberg Steering committee member, politician, banker, businessman
Kirill AndrosovRussian financier, businessman, YGL, 2008-2010 Deputy chief of staff to Vladimir Putin
Robert AndréAttended the first Bilderberg and 2 more, president of the "Syndicat de Petrole"
Andrés Bello Catholic UniversityTop private university in Venezuela
José AndrésSpanish-American chef and restaurateur with ties to the US deep state
AnemiaDecrease in red blood cells in the bloodstream.
AneurysmAn outward bulging, likened to a bubble or balloon, caused by a localized, abnormal, weak spot on a blood vessel.
Jens AnfindsenNorwegian academic who attended the 2007 CounterJihad Conference.
Bernise AngWEF reports her as "Chief Alchemist at Zeroth Labs, a systems innovation lab. They tackle “wicked problems”..."
Angel FireA hub of deep state guns and drug running in the 1980s, similar to Mena, Arkansas, but much less known.
Nikolina AngelkovaWEF YGL Bulgarian Minister of Tourism
Marcia Angell"It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of the New England Journal of Medicine."
Richard AngellRight wing activist in the UK Labour Party
Joachim AngermeyerGerman politician of the Free Democratic Party.
Hans AngermuellerIran-Contra connected banker
Elish AngioliniLord Advocate of Scotland from 2006 until 2011, having previously been Solicitor General since 2001.
Guillem Anglada-EscudéCatalan astronomer; Friends of Europe/Young European Leaders 2018
Dominique AngladeCanadian politician, former Deputy Premier of Quebec, as Opposition Leader promoted the COVID-19 official narrative
Magdeleine AngladeFrench member of Le Cercle who took over the role of Monique Garnier-Lançon
James Jesus Angleton"The dominant counterintelligence figure in the non-communist world", according to Richard Helms, DCI.
Anglia Ruskin UniversityHas been named as one of the most upwardly mobile universities in the world<a href="#cite_note-1">[1]</a>
Anglo-French Agreement of 23 December 1917A 1917 Anglo-French conspiracy for a dismemberment of Russia after the October Revolution.
Anglo-Irish Agreement1985 treaty between the United Kingdom and Ireland which aimed to help bring an end to the Troubles in Northern Ireland
Anglo-US-NATOAn acronym that encapsulates the politico/cultural/ethnic make up of the elites behind the drive to a uni-polar, globalised world politics under the hegemonic control of these elites. Its anodyne, 'for public consumption' analogues are: 'International Community' and 'Community of Democracies'
AngolaSouth West African state
Michael AngusChairman of Unilever. Attended the 1987 Bilderberg
AnkaraCapital of Turkey
Ankara UniversityImportant Turkish university
Kofi AnnanSecretary-General of the United Nations 1997-2006 now working for Macro Advisory Partners
Annecy shootingsA mysterious shooting which was generally avoided by the corporate media.
Kevin AnnettWhen he reported that the church of which he was a minister had been involved in genocide, Rev. Kevin Annett was told to shut up. He didn't. He researched the topic and wrote books and made a movie about it. His Wikipedia page has been deleted at least 4 times as "non-notable" because he has been blacklisted with dynamic silence by corporate media. He continues to expose institutional corruption and child abuse.
Annual Conferences on Israel's InfluenceAnnual conferences on the Israeli influence on American politics
Anonyme CitoyenTelegram channel that posts videos of protests around the world. Started during the Yellow Vest movement.
AnonymousA list of anonymously authored documents on this site.
Frans van AnraatBig supplier of Saddam Hussein. Rejected setting up a new deep state-front in Iraq during Iraq War and fled an AIVD safehouse. Only Dutch national to ever appear of FBI Ten most Wanted list. Jailed for 17 years.
AnsarallahIslamist political and military organisation from Yemen.
Sayeed Zabiuddin AnsariTerrorist accused of being involved in the 2008 Mumbai attacks.
Tima AnselmiSingle Bilderberger Italian Heath Minister
Hubert AnsiauxDouble Bilderberger who was Governor of the National Bank of Belgium for 14 years. Involved in setting up the International Monetary Fund.
Hubert Ansiaux#_633b3ae335c42012fe507fe21ee083f8Bilderberger. Resigned, after a conflict with the government?
Answering Russia's Strategic NarrativesInvitation only one day event organised by The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies, sponsored by The Institute for Statecraft, about "Russian propaganda"
Natalia Antaleva"Expert in fake news and state repression of independent media across Ukraine and the CIS countries", attended the II Tackling Tools of Malign Influence conference
Natalia AntelavaJournalist who declined Marianna Spring's job application after spotting a lie on her CV.
Frank AnthonyGuyanese Minister of Health from August 2020
AnthraxA sometimes fatal disease
Anti-Covid air technologyA genuine response to COVID, or just a cash grab?
Anti-EmpireSite concentrating on independent geopolitical analysis. Covid-19 dissident.
Anti-Terrorist HotlineA line for members of the public to report suspicion of "terrorism"
Anti-communismAnti-communism has been the driving force behind a large amount of activities registered in Wikispooks, including activities of intelligence services, funding of activities, and motivation for deep state groups and individual deep state operators.
Anti-imperialismAn ideology that opposes Imperialism