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Martina Salomon
John SawersUK diplomat and former Chief of MI6
Nadia SchadlowSuspected US deep state functionary. First Bilderberg in 2017
Alexander Schallenberg'You don’t only have rights, you have obligations'
Eric SchmidtUS billionaire who works for Alphabet (a.k.a Google). A 1997 WEF Global Leader for Tomorrow with numerous other deep political connections.
Wolfgang SchmidtGerman Chancellor "Olaf Scholz’s shadow foreign minister."
Nuno Sebastião
Radosław SikorskiPolish Bullingdon Bilderberger
Filipe SilvaCEO of Galp, a Portuguese multinational energy corporation. Attended Bilderberg/2023
Oscar StenströmSwedish politician who went to her first Bilderberg in 2023
Jens StoltenbergNorwegian Bilderberger, ex PM, Secretary General of NATO.
Arvind SubramanianIndian economist who became the second Indian to attend the Bilderberg in 2023.
Ashley TellisCFR Bilderberg academic
Peter ThielBillionaire financier, Bilderberger
Tom TugendhatSuspected UK deep state functionary, MP, Bilderberg 2019, Chair of the Foreign Affairs Select Committee, floated de facto mandatory Covid-19 vaccination in November 2020.
Shriti VaderaBritish bankster. As government minister responsible for unprecedented free money bailout to banks in 2009, then became bank CEO. Attended 2023 Bilderberg meeting.
Eftichios VassilakisGreek businessman. In 2021, made large agreement for building of utility-scale solar panel plants to transform Greek power market. Attended Bilderberg/2023, where one of the themes was Energy transition.
John WaldronPresident and Chief Operating Officer of The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.
Marcus Wallenberg (born 1956)Swedish deep state operative, ex-Bilderberg Steering Committee
Peter Wennink"If there’s one person in Europe you need on your side to solve the global chips-shortage crisis, it’s Wennink."
Yuan Yang
Daniel YerginUS Bilderberger economist
Barçin Yinanç
Bernard ÉmiéAttended the 2018 & 2022 Bilderbergs as DGSE Director
Soli ÖzelQuad Bilderberger journalist and academic