Great Barrington declaration

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Publication.png Great Barrington declaration 
(open letter)Rdf-entity.pngRdf-icon.png
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Founded4 October 2020
Author(s) • Sunetra Gupta
• Carl Heneghan
• Karol Sikora
• Sam Williams
Recipient(s)Boris Johnson,  Rishi Sunak,  Chris Whitty,  Frank Atherton,  Gregor Ian Smith,  Michael McBride,  Patrick Vallance
Open letter published in October 2020 during the Covid lockdowns, calling for "targeted interventions to protect those most at risk".

The Great Barrington Declaration is an open letter by 25 "prominent scientists" published in October 2020 to protest against the Covid lockdowns, but before the "vaccines" were rolled out.

Authors and signatories

The declaration was initiated by Professor Sunetra Gupta, Professor of theoretical epidemiology, the University of Oxford; Professor Carl Heneghan; Director, Centre for Evidence Based Medicine, the University of Oxford; Professor Karol Sikora; Consultant oncologist and Professor of medicine, University of Buckingham; and Sam Williams; Director and co-founder of Economic Insight; and originally co-signed by 21 other scientists.[1] The open letter was later signed by several hundred thousand citizens and medical professionals.[2]

Own words

It called for a number of measures, including "clearly stated objective for the overall response to Covid-19", to "consider the complex trade-offs that occur: (i) within any healthcare system; and (ii) between healthcare, society and the economy."[1]

"The unstated objective currently appears to be one of suppression of the virus, until such a time that a vaccine can be deployed. This objective is increasingly unfeasible (notwithstanding our more specific concerns regarding existing policies) and is leading to significant harm across all age groups, which likely offsets any benefits.[1]

The appeal concluded "In light of the above, our strategy should therefore target interventions to protect those most at risk"[1] , especially the elderly and other "high risk groups".

Official narrative

Wikipedia says it was "sponsored by the American Institute for Economic Research, a libertarian free market think tank associated with climate change denial".[3]

Undermined and smeared by the CCM [4][5][6][7][8][9] (see the Wikipedia article), and parts of the "alternative media"[10]

Official opposition narrative?

While questioning the offical narrative and pointing out the cruelty of lockdowns, the letter reinforced other parts of the Covid narrative, notably the idea that the actually was a pandemic caused by a novel virus, and not just staged increased deaths from COVID-19/Medical killings.

The declaration and the indirect attention it received by the condemnation in corporate media sucked up much of the attention for 'dissenting voices', closing down other points of view.

The stress on the economic costs of lockdowns probably struck a false chord in a public propagandized by Covid fear porn, and coming across as callous.

"Focused protection" would, in practice, have meant more "testing", more isolation and more dystopian treatment generally of those "testing positive". This treatment contributed and enabled in no small degree the COVID-19/Medical killings.

None of the main authors have shown any interest to revisit their core assumptions about the nature of the event.


Related Document

TitleTypePublication dateAuthor(s)Description
Document:A targeted and evidence-based approach to the COVID-19 policy response (an open letter)Open letter21 September 2020Karol Sikora
Sunetra Gupta
Carl Heneghan
Sam Williams
An open letter to UK PM Boris Johnson from prominent scientists to hinder a new lockdown and change other failed policies
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