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Rémy Pautrat13 February 1940FranceSpook
Fleur Pellerin29 August 1973FranceBusinesspersonFrench politician
Édouard Philippe28 November 1970FrancePoliticianAttended the 2016 Bilderberg. Became Prime Minister of France in 2017.
Valérie Pécresse14 July 1967FrancePoliticianFrench Bilderberger politician who aggressively supported vaccine passports and mandatory jabbing in 2022
François Pérol6 November 1963FranceBankerFrench banker with Rothschild & Co and "great architect of the economic program of President Nicolas Sarkozy" who attended Bilderberg 2008.
Jean-Bernard Raimond6 February 19267 March 2016FrancePolitician
Michel Rocard23 August 19302 July 2016FrancePolitician
Deep state actor
French politician who spoke on "The Western Global Response To The Soviet Challenge" at the 1986 Bilderberg.
Stella Ronner-GrubačićNetherlandsDiplomat
Deep state operative
Dutch diplomat seen dining with a businessman convicted of money laundering.
Jean-Marc De la Sabliere8 November 1946FranceDiplomat
Yves Sabouret15 April 1936France
Ernest-Antoine Seillière20 December 1937FranceBusinessperson
Millionaire French businessman, Bilderberg/Steering committee, Le Siècle
Pierre Sellal13 February 1952FranceDiplomat
Civil servant
Deep state operative
Jacques Toubon29 June 1941FrancePoliticianFrench politician
Jean-Claude Trichet20 December 1942FranceEconomist
Civil servant
Central banker
Deep state operative
President of the European Central Bank, Governor of the Bank of France, Bilderberg Steering committee
Pierre Vimont15 June 1949FranceDiplomatFrench diplomat who was Ambassador of France to the United States 2007-2010
Louis-Charles Viossat22 March 1964FranceCivil servant
Big pharma/Lobbyist
Revolving door Big Pharma lobbyist who was responsible for French Covid vaccine rollout. Replaced in January 2021 because he was perceived as too slow.
Hubert Védrine31 July 1947FrancePoliticianFrench Bilderberger politician
Bernard Émié6 September 1958FranceDiplomat
Attended the 2018 & 2022 Bilderbergs as DGSE Director