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J. Stapleton RoyUS diplomat interested in Asia
Kevin RuddHad his big break after attending first meeting of the Australian American Leadership Dialogue in 1993. Later became Prime Minister.
Bob Schieffer
James R. SchlesingerUSDSO, DCI, RAND, US Defense secretary
Brent ScowcroftBush family friend, twice National Security Advisor
Robin ShepherdFormer Moscow Bureau Chief for The Times now working for intelligence think tanks.
Radosław SikorskiPolish Bullingdon Bilderberger
Fredrick SmithKnights of Malta, CFR ...
Claire SterlingUS "terror expert" who promoted the "War on Terror"
Robert StraussUS lawyer and deep state operative
Julie SweetCEO of Accenture and Board of Trustees of the World Economic Forum. Married to CIA operative.
James ThebergeUS Cold War diplomat to Latin America
Celeste WallanderUS deep state operative
Frederick B. Whittemore
James WoolseyEx CIA director still (per 2020) very active in deep state networks.
Christine WormuthUS military bureaucrat who helped prepare the ground for more aggressive posture on Russia and China.
Juan ZarateWorked on expanding the use of Treasury powers to advance national security interests. U.S. representative to get control over the Vatican's finances.