Institute for Public Accuracy

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Founder Norman Solomon

The following information is taken directly from the IPA web site - 10 December 2010

Objectives and purpose

The Institute for Public Accuracy seeks to broaden public discourse. With systematic outreach to media professionals, the Institute provides news releases that offer well-documented analysis of current events and underlying issues.

Serving as a consortium for an abundance of diverse expertise, the Institute for Public Accuracy makes frequent communication possible between independent policy analysts and working journalists. IPA promotes the inclusion of perspectives that widen the bounds of media discussion and enhance democratic debate.

About IPA

Board of Directors:

  • Peggy Law], founding director of the International Media Project and co-founder of the global public affairs radio program "Making Contact," has also had a career as a mental health professional.
  • Robert McChesney, author of several books on media issues including Rich Media, Poor Democracy: Communication Politics in Dubious Times and Telecommunications, Mass Media, and Democracy, is a research associate professor at the Institute of Communications Research at the University of Illinois.
  • Gwendolyn Mink, a professor of politics at Smith College, is author of The Wages of Motherhood: Inequality in the Welfare State, 1917-1942 and Welfare's End, and former chair of the Women of Color Committee of the Women's Caucus for Political Science.
  • Beth Schulman, founder and principal of EGS Consulting, has been doing development and administrative work for social justice projects for more than 25 years. Much of that work has been on behalf of the media democracy movement and the independent press.
  • [[Deborah Toler, a former senior research analyst at the Institute for Food and Development Policy (Food First), has worked in Africa and has written extensively about international trade and development issues.

At the Institute for Public Accuracy:

  • Norman Solomon is IPA's founder and executive director. The latest collection of his columns won the 1999 George Orwell Award for Distinguished Contribution to Honesty and Clarity in Public Language. He has authored eleven books, including The Habits of Highly Deceptive Media and (co-authored with foreign correspondent Reese Erlich) Target Iraq: What the Media Didn't Tell You. His book War Made Easy: How Presidents and Pundits Keep Spinning Us to Death was published in 2005.
  • Layla Cooper is IPA's associate director. With a strong background in finance and administration, she first began working for IPA in 2002. Cooper has focused her education on the study of media and social change.
  • Sam Husseini, based in the IPA media office at the National Press Building in Washington D.C., is the communications director. His articles on politics, foreign affairs, public policy, media, and pop culture have been published in The Washington Post, Newsday, The Chicago Tribune, The Nation, The Humanist, The Village Voice, FAIR's magazine Extra! and numerous other outlets. Prior to joining IPA, Husseini was media director for the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee.
  • Hollie Ainbinder is IPA's program and development director. She was the associate director of the media watch group FAIR from 1988 to 1999. From 1984 to 1988 she was a media consultant to public interest organizations.
  • Ben Malley is IPA's media research associate. He graduated magna cum laude from San Francisco State University with a degree in Journalism. He has written for the Bay Area News Group family of newspapers, the San Francisco political website and worked for Canadian member of parliament Peter Stoffer.
  • David Zupan works as an independent contractor for IPA doing broadcast media outreach and database updating. He is also director of the Speakers' Clearinghouse, which helps progressive policy analysts find speaking engagements at schools throughout the U.S. and Canada. Zupan is a veteran media activist and teacher.
  • Zeynep Toufe is an independent contractor for IPA, specializing in bringing media attention to structural issues such as global governance, the environment and global and domestic inequality.

Background on the Institute for Public Accuracy:

The Institute for Public Accuracy was founded in mid-1997 by its current executive director, Norman Solomon, with the support of a two-year $100,000-per-year Public Interest Pioneer grant from the Stern Family Fund. IPA opened its national office in San Francisco in October 1997. Several months later, IPA established its media office in the National Press Building in Washington, D.C. It is a 501(c)(3) organization.

IPA increases the reach and capacity of progressive and grassroots organizations (at no cost to them) to address public policy by getting them and their ideas into the corporate media. IPA gains media access for those whose voices are commonly excluded or drowned out by government or corporate-backed institutions. As a national consortium of independent public-policy researchers, analysts and activists, IPA widens media exposure for progressive perspectives on many issues including the environment, human rights, foreign policy, and economic justice.

IPA has developed a detailed set of constantly updated databases of producers, commentators, and journalists at media institutions across the country. Generally, IPA news releases are most effective when they address breaking news stories. We've reached wide audiences by using major news developments as pegs for quickly providing accurate information and alternative analysis.

While regularly making it possible for numerous policy analysts, scholars and other independent researchers to be heard in mass media, IPA boosts many progressive grassroots groups with scant resources for media outreach. Since 1998, IPA news releases have promoted analysts from more than 1000 different organizations doing work on a wide variety of public-policy issues.

Views and links appearing in material published or distributed by the Institute for Public Accuracy do not necessarily represent the opinions of the board or staff of IPA.


A document sourced from Institute for Public Accuracy

TitleTypeSubject(s)Publication dateAuthor(s)Description
Document:Ex-Intelligence Officers, Others See Plusses in WikiLeaks DisclosuresstatementWikileaks7 December 2010Craig Murray
Ray McGovern
Katharine Gun
Daniel Ellsberg
Coleen Rowley
Frank Grevil
David MacMichael
Larry Wilkerson
A statement of support for Wikileaks. "The big question is not whether Americans can 'handle the truth.' We believe they can..."
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