'Harley Guy'

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Person.png 'Harley Guy'Rdf-entity.pngRdf-icon.png
(crisis actor?, deep state functionary?)
'Harley Guy'.jpg
Member ofNew Leaders Council
A man of uncertain identity, who clearly articulated what was to later become the commercially-controlled media's official narrative about fire inducing the "collapse" of WTC towers 1 and 2.

'Harley Guy' (or occasionally 'Harley Shirt Guy'[1]) is a man of uncertain identity, so-called because of the Harley Davidson shirt he was wearing when Rick Leventhal interviewed him for Fox News[2] around 11:55 am[3] on September 11, 2001, ostensibly as a random member of the public. He clearly articulated what was to later become the commercially-controlled media's official narrative that the "collapse" of WTC 1 and 2 "... mainly due to structural failure because the fires were just too intense." This has caused suspicion that he was a deep state functionary who was part of the effort to cover-up 9/11.[4][5]


The most widely attributed identity of 'Harley Guy' is actor Mark Walsh, although the names Mark Adrian Humphries and Nick Pugh also come up.[4]

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