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The capital of Denmark



Bilderberg/2014The 62nd Bilderberg, with 136 guests, held in Copenhagen


Groups Headquartered Here

Copenhagen Business School1917Big business school in Copenhagen,Denmark.
Danish Defence Intelligence Service
Danmarks Nationalbank1 August 1818The national bank of Denmark
Danmarks Radio1956Danish state broadcaster.
DenmarkMember of the EU, NATO.
Denmark/Ministry of Justice22 March 1848
European Environment Agency
Global Panel Foundation1989NGO with members who are mostly people with deep ties to the intelligence community, working behind the scenes promoting international cooperation with regard to decision-making and implementation processes.
Nordic CouncilThe official body (some say talkshop) for formal inter-parliamentary Nordic cooperation.
University of Copenhagen1537 JLCentral university for the Danish state
Weekendavisen1971Danish corporate newspaper. Heavy Bilderberg habit.
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