Brussels Forum/Guests/Visit count/5

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5 Visits

Kristine Berzina
Julia De Clerck-SachsseMunich Security Conference Young Leader, multiple BF visits
Robert Cooper1947UK diplomat with a string of interesting roles. "One of the top 100 "public intellectuals" in the world"...
Oded EranPossibly spooky Israeli diplomat
Kristalina Georgieva13 August 1953BulgariaBilderberg World Bank
Toomas Ilves26 December 1953EstoniaPresident of Estonia with a lot of Deep State connections, including membership of the Munich Security Conference Advisory Council.
Robert Kagan26 September 1958USCo-founder of the Project for the New American Century
François de Kerchove
Daniel KorskiApril 1977UKBritish spook now dabbling in transforming the health sector
Stephen LarrabeeRAND political scientist, MSC
Christoph von Marschall8 October 1959GermanTranatlantic German journalist
Robin Niblett20 August 1961Chatham House Director/Chief executive from 2007-2022...
Jean Pisani-Ferry28 July 1951FranceFrench economist widely published on resetting matters economic
Ruprecht Polenz26 May 1946GermanGerman politician. Proponent of Turkish membership in the EU.
Joseph QuinlanUSVisited the Brussels Forums from 2008-2012
Gideon Rachman1963UKQuad Bilderberg UK journalist and friend of MI6 whistleblower Richard Tomlinson
Anne-Marie Slaughter27 September 1958USDirector of Policy Planning for the U.S. State Department under Hillary Clinton. Important in the introduction of the doctrine of Responsibility to Protect
Goran SvilanovićBF regular
Guy Verhofstadt11 April 1953BelgiumFormer Belgian Prime-Minister. European Parliament's Brexit Coordinator and Chair of the Brexit Steering Group. Banned from Russia since 2015.
Damon Wilson1983USPresident of the CIA front organization National Endowment for Democracy

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