9-11/Joint Congressional Inquiry

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Group.png The Joint Inquiry into Intelligence Community Activities before and after the Terrorist Attacks of September 11, 2001  Rdf-entity.pngRdf-icon.png
FormationFebruary 2002
ExtinctionDecember 2002
Membership• Bob Graham
• Porter Goss
• Richard Shelby
• Nancy Pelosi
• L. Britt Snider
The first inquiry into 9/11, by its own admission "not in the blame game". It produced an 800 page report of which 28 pages remain classified as of June 2014.
Transparency, Obama style

Not to be confused with the subsequent 9-11/Commission, set up on November 27, 2002. Originally, 28 pages of the report about Saudi Arabia's funding were classified. A redacted version of these 28 pages was released in July 2016.

Official Narrative

28 pages were censored from the report for reasons of "national security". These pages are widely reported to implicate figures in the Saudi Arabian government and intelligence agency. Some have speculated that this report was set up as a "false bottom" and/or causus bellum so that, if needed, the classified pages could be revealed and used either as a pretext for a military invasion of Saudi Arabia or to obscure the cabal's role in instigating 9-11.[1][2]


George Tenet reportedly "lied extensively in testimony to the Joint Congressional Inquiry".[3]


Known members

4 of the 5 of the members already have pages here:

Porter Goss
Bob GrahamA multi-millionaire deep political insider, who headed up the first cover up of 9/11.
Richard Shelby
L. Britt SniderParticipated in the Church Committee and took part in the 9-11/Joint Congressional Inquiry, but resigned.
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