Charlie Hebdo shooting

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Event.png Charlie Hebdo shooting(“Terrorism”) Rdf-entity.pngRdf-icon.png
Date11:30am 2015/01/07 - 2015/01/10
Blamed onSaid Kouachi, Cherif Kouachi
TypeColumbine Never Sleeps.png mass shooting
Interest ofOlivier Combe, Helric Fredou

Two (or three?) masked gunmen forced their way into the offices of the French satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo in Paris, France. They killed twelve people, including two National Police officers and wounded eleven others. In a related incident a lone gunman took hostages in a supermarket. In the 10 January event denouement, four hostages and all three gunmen were killed.

Official Narrative

The commercially-controlled media generally assigns responsibility for the attacks to Islamic Terrorists who were avenging the Prophet Mohammed and shouted "Allahu akbar". The terrorists who attacked Charlie Hebdo made a single fatal mistake: They left an ID card in their abandoned getaway car. A third suspect, 18-year-old Hamyd Mourad, turned himself in.[1][2]


A section of video show of the supposed terrorists was claimed by the commercially-controlled media to show a prone policeman being shot in the head, yet this does not fit the video.[3]

Leaving an ID card in the getaway car seems a rather implausible mistake for such terrorists to make, and is more suggestive of planted evidence such as the passport of Satam al-Suqami, supposed 9/11 hijacker, which the US authorities claimed to have recovered undamaged by the plane's impact and fireball.

Several links to security services have been reported, among them CIA asset Abu Hamza, a key contact to the alleged 9/11 highjackers.[4] The Paris shooting suspects were no strangers to the French government and its security and intelligence agencies. Strange then that Kourachi and his brother would then be reported to have traveled to the Middle East to receive training from Al Qaeda, then to have fought in Syria in a war backed in part by France, before returning home and carrying out this most recent terror attack, all while being tracked by French intelligence and the American "no-fly" list.[5] [6] [7] [8] [9]

The commercially-controlled media reacted in unison and faster than any investigative journalist could think, let alone write - a pattern commonly observed in suspected deep state events. The inability to act on foreknowledge is attributed to the stupidity or lack of resources of secret services. [10]


Police commissioner Helric Fredoun, aged 45, who was investigating the attacks, was found dead of a gunshot wound to the head in the small hours of 2015-01-08. According to the police union, he was depressed and experiencing burnout. There remains the obvious possibility that he was suicided after discovered something which others wanted to remain secret. This is an echo of another supposed suicide from November 2013 when the 3rd ranking police officer of SRPJ Limoges was also found dead of a gunshot to the head.[11]


The President of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has publicly suggested that it may have been a false flag attack organised either by the CIA or the Mossad.[12]

Umberto Pascali argues the men dressed in special forces attire were in fact carrying out a non orthodox warfare operation to prevent further rapprochement of France, Germany and Russia. The January 15 summit in Kazakhstan could put an end to the artificial split between Europe and Russia which goes against their own and their peoples' economic and strategic interests. France openly questioned the petrodollar hegemony, suggested that Europe trade in euros internally and has a military joint venture with Russia. The bypassing of the dollar by Russia and more and more other nations is seen as a threat to "those who were used to rule, devide and loot".

The real target — beyond the men and women who were cynically slaughtered, often under the eyes of the camera – is the population. To terrorize the population and to blackmail the leadership of a country. The message for the government is: You are not able to defend your people, we have taken over; now you have to accept our conditions![13]

To push for war with Russia and prevent Eurasia from coming together is one of the last options available to those who fear "loosing the big game", according to Pascali.


Related Quotation

Ron Johnson“We met delegation after delegation of European representatives. Basically the entire conversation was about Edward Snowden, about tapping Angela Merkel's phone. But then Charlie Hebdo happened. I haven't heard a word about Edward Snowden or what the American security services were trying to do. What I'm hearing now is 'Where's America?'”Ron Johnson2017


Related Documents

TitleTypePublication dateAuthor(s)Description
Document:Charlie Hebdo déjà vúarticle14 January 2015Adrian SalbuchiAn analysis of the Charlie Hebdo event of January 2015. It connects many dots linking it to a litany of similar outrages and exposing the essentially False flag nature of all of them.
Document:The Terror Attacks in France. The Broader Geopolitical Implicationsinterview10 January 2015Umberto PascaliInterview with Umberto Pascali – For Voice of the People, TV Sonce, Skipje, Macedonia


The Official Culprits

Chérif Kouachi
Saïd Kouachi
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