Stanford/Internet Observatory

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< Stanford
Revision as of 01:31, 8 November 2023 by Terje (talk | contribs) (links)
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Group.png Stanford/Internet Observatory
(CensorTwitter WebsiteRdf-entity.pngRdf-icon.png
Founder• Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies
• Stanford Law School
InterestsInternet censorship
Sponsored byOmidyar Network
Membership• Jeff Hancock
• Alex Stamos
• Elena Cryst
• Renée DiResta
• Shelby Grossman
• David Thiel
• Riana Pfefferkorn
• Dan Bateyko
• John Perrino
• Karen Nershi
• Ronald Robertson
• Tongtong Zhang

The Stanford Internet Observatory is a hub created by the deep state for planning and executing internet censorship.


Created by Department of Homeland Security? Yep.[1][2]


Employee on Wikispooks

Renee DiRestaResearch manager"Former" CIA operative


Known member

1 of the 11 of the members already have pages here:

Renée DiResta


Omidyar NetworkFoundation owned by the the deep state-connected billionaire Pierre Omidyar, financing preferred NGOs


Event Participated in

Call to Action: CSIS-LSHTM High-Level Panel on Vaccine Confidence and Misinformation19 October 202019 October 2020Strategic public-private master plan for medical censorship and vaccine persuasion.
Many thanks to our Patrons who cover ~2/3 of our hosting bill. Please join them if you can.


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