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Timothy Garton Ash historian, Ditchley Governor with other connections. Presented a paper to the 1989 Bilderberg. Subsequently attended two more, over a span of 30 years.
Jacques Attali linkedin= deep politician and academic. "The real bourgeoisie running the world is about 1,000 people. They are running capitalism." Attended the 1975 Bilderberg, Le siecle
Gilad Atzmon ntt srch lnk 1?qid=1491351477&sr=8-1Jazz saxophonist, novelist, political activist and writer - mainly on the subjects of Israel and Judaic power
Crispin Aubrey defendant in the 1978 ABC Trial
Dylan Avery"Dylan+Avery"&i=instant-video&rh=n:3010085031&ref=atv dp pd dirUS filmmaker who made Loose Change
Uri Avnery ntt srch lnk 2?qid=1491351625&sr=8-2
Barrie Axford Academic specialist "linking universities into the [Institute for Statecraft] network"
Lloyd Axworthy the 1996 Bilderberg as Canadian Minister of Foreign Affairs
Dušan Babac byline sr ebooks 2?ie=UTF8&text=Dusan+Babac&search-alias=digital-text&field-author=Dusan+Babac&sort=relevancerankOrganised parts of Le Cercle meeting in Serbia in June 2004
Andrew Bacevich historian and officer who was "a persistent, vocal critic of the U.S. occupation of Iraq, calling the conflict a catastrophic failure."
James Bacque historian who exposed allied war crimes at the end of WW2.
William Bader byline sr book 1?ie=UTF8&text=William+B.+Bader&search-alias=books&field-author=William+B.+Bader&sort=relevancerankUS spook who in 1967 brought to Congressional attention that the "Gulf of Tonkin Incident" was a fraud perpetrated by Defense Secretary Robert McNamara as a casus belli for the Vietnam War
James Bamford foremost journalist publishing about the NSA.
Michael Barkun professor who denies that MKUltra was carried out on children.
Élie BarnaviËL-ELIE-BARNAVIE/dp/2081347520Israeli historian who attended the 2004 Bilderberg
Harry Elmer Barnes tc 2 0?qid=1499122125&sr=1-2-entUS historian
Emma Barnett
Neil Barnett
Michael Barone journalist who attended the 2007 Bilderberg
Gordon Barrass
Kevin Barrett academic and 9-11/Dissident.
Robert Bartleyhttp://Robert Bartley.jpgManaged the editorial page of The Wall Street Journal for over 30 years. 15 Bilderberg visits
Leonard Beaton a mng rwt scns shareDied aged 41, three years after attending the 1968 Bilderberg. His book, The Reform of Power, was posthumously published in 1972.
Glenn Beck
Ernest Becker
Zanny Minton Beddoes journalist, Bilderberger, IMF economist under Jeffrey Sachs
Arnold Beichman
Cedric Belfrage of British Security Coordination, then press control officer in Germany after the WW2. Suspected Soviet agent, or British double-agent.
Daniel Bell co-founder of neoconservatism.
Geoffrey Bell economist who founded the Group of Thirty
J. Bowyer Bell "terrorism expert", painter and and art critic
Hilaire Belloc
Max Beloff"Think-tanks can be important in bringing about a change in broad public perceptions..." British historian who founded the University College of Buckingham, now the University of Buckingham.
Jean de Belot editor of Le Figaro who attended 2005 Bilderberg. Later turned communications guru.
Asher Ben-Natan"A central figure in Israel’s defense and diplomacy establishment" who spoke at the 1979 JCIT
Richard M. Bennett
Scott Bennett 2 years in jail as a result of speaking his mind and attempting to blow the whistle on fraud and corruption inside the US war machine.
William J. Bennett
Theodor Benzinger
Walter Berchtold businessman and double Bilderberger
Jeff Bergner,p 27:Jeff+BergnerCercle attendee. Project for the New American Century. German Marshall Fund. Hudson Institute
C. Fred Bergsten Institution, CFR, 5 Bilderbergs ...
Hans Bergströmhttp://Swedish-American journalist, businessman and political scientist.Swedish-American journalist and editor
Chip Berlet"Spends 99 percent of his time attacking the people who have actually exposed U.S. Government crimes and cover-ups, and one percent of his time exposing them".
Brian Berletic sb noss?url=search-alias=aps&field-keywords=Tony+CartalucciResearcher, Writer, Commentator, banned from Twitter in 2022.
Claire Berlinski academic who attended The Collapse of Europe Conference
Morris Berman critic who has criticised the de facto legalisation of torture in USA.
Christoph Bertram journalist with a heavy Bilderberg habit
Hans-Georg Betz academic who attended the 2000 Bilderberg possibly as a speaker on The European Far Right - Is there a Threat?
Seweryn Bialer defector to the US working the anti-communist circuit. Single Bilderberger academic.