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David ShambaughCFR, single Bilderberg US academic, China focus
Josette SheeranPossible US deep state functionary. Attended 5 Bilderbergs from 2007 to 2012
Risto SiilasmaaFinnish Bilderberger and Nokia chairman
Jorge Moreira da SilvaPortuguese politician
Jerry SpeyerBillionaire pal of David Rockefeller
Pietro SupinoBilderberger Swiss publisher
Peter SutherlandA deep politician who held some key posts including Chairman of Goldman Sachs, WTO head, Attorney General of Ireland ...
Peter ThielBillionaire financier, Bilderberger
Serpil TimurayTurkish businesswoman in multinational companies.
Jürgen TrittinSingle Bilderberg German politician
Loukas TsoukalisGreek economist, Bilderberg Steering committee
Jutta UrpilainenDouble Bilderberger
Daniel VasellaEx-Bilderberg Steering committee Swiss pharma director
Pierre VimontFrench diplomat who was Ambassador of France to the United States 2007-2010
Peter VoserSwiss manager
Jacob WallenbergThird generation Bilderberg (Steering committee), European Round Table of Industrialists
Kevin WarshBilderberg Steering committee, US Federal Reserve governor
Martin WolfEconomic journalist and serial Bilderberger, aggressively promoting COVID jabs in February 2021
James WolfensohnAustralian/US dual national, President of the World Bank, Bilderberg steering committee
Nigel WrightAttended the 2012 Bilderberg as the Canada/Prime Minister/Chief of Staff
Daniel YerginUS Bilderberger economist
Robert ZoellickWorld Bank president, White House Deputy Chief of Staff, Multiple deep state connections