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J. Martin TaylorUK Millionaire banker and businessman. Former Bilderberg steering committee
G. Richard ThomanTriple Bilderberger
Nils UdgaardSpooky Norwegian politician
Jaime Carvajal y UrquijoSpanish Bilderberg steering committee member. Close to king Juan Carlos. Trilateral Commission.
Daniel VasellaEx-Bilderberg Steering committee Swiss pharma director
Lodewijk J. R. de VinkDutch Bilderberger Big Pharma executive
Janne VirkkunenParticipated in Bilderberg 1998 and 2001 as editor-in-chief of Finnish newspaper of record Helsingin Sanomat
Mia de VitsBelgian politician. Attended 1998 Bilderberg meeting as Secretary-General of the General Labour Federation of Belgium.
Franz VranitzkyChancellor of Austria, central banker, Bilderberg Steering committee
Gijs de VriesDutch "terror expert" WEF/Global Leaders for Tomorrow 1998...
Jacob WallenbergThird generation Bilderberg (Steering committee), European Round Table of Industrialists
Matthias WissmannGerman politician, ACG/YL/1982, 3 Bilderbergs
James WolfensohnAustralian/US dual national, President of the World Bank, Bilderberg steering committee
Paul WolfowitzAn "architect" of the invasion of Iraq, World Bank President