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Umberto AgnelliItalian business magnate with multiple deep state connections including the Bilderberg Steering committee.
Otto Wolff von AmerongenBilderberg Advisory Committee member, deep politician
Tage AndersenDanish banker who attended 7 Bilderbergs in the 1980s
Dwayne AndreasLarge political donor to both major US parties.
Hannes AndroschFormer Bilderberg Steering committee member, politician, banker, businessman
Hans AngermuellerIran-Contra connected banker
George BallUS deep politician who attended all 40 Bilderberg meetings up to his death, he helped make key decisions about post-WW2 Europe.
Raymond BarreFrench PM, single Bilderberger
Piero BassettiDouble Bilderberg Italian politician
Jack BennettBilderberg Steering committee banker/businessman. Worked alongside his father in post-war Germany to reset the country's economy. Presidential advisor in the 1970 who dismantled U.S. controls over international capital flows.
Ernst van der BeugelDutch deep politician, 34 Bilderbergs, on both the Advisory & Steering committees
Selahattin BeyazitOne of the biggest industrialists in Turkey and member of the Bilderberg Steering committee.
Seweryn BialerPolish defector to the US working the anti-communist circuit. Single Bilderberger academic.
Nuri Birgi23 Bilderbergs, Turkish Permanent Representative to NATO
Lise BissonetteCanadian journalist who attended the 1983 Bilderberg
Björn BjarnasonIcelandic politician, heavy Bilderberg habit. Informant to US intelligence about his Icelandic politics.
Halvdan BjørumNorwegian businessman who attended the 1983 Bilderberg meeting.
Conrad BlackFraudulent Bilderberg steering committee member
Gro Harlem BrundtlandDeep state/WHO connected Prime Minister/DG, concerned about "too much freedom of speech"
William BundySkull & bones deep politician and cold warrior who played a key role in the US side of the Bilderberg.
Peter CarringtonUK Deep politician. Bilderberg chairman. President of the Pilgrims Society. Secretary General of NATO. Chairman of the UK Conservative Party. Busy guy.
Fredrik CastrénChairman of the Finnish Confederation of Industry
Juan Luis CebriánSpanish media mogul with a heavy Bilderberg habit.
Henning ChristophersenDanish politician. An early architect of the Single Market and the Euro. 3 Bilderbergs
Kenneth DamEconomist who was US Deputy Secretary of State, with a heavy Bilderberg habit.
Étienne DavignonBelgian deep politician, EU commissioner, Bilderberg chairman, Egmont Institute president
James DobbinsUS diplomatic troubleshooter who worked for RAND. Attended Bilderberg/1983 and Bilderberg/1990. Supporter of internet censorship
Thomas DonahueLabor leader, CFR, two Bilderbergs
Elizabeth DrewUS corporate journalist tending towards the Democratic Party.
Wim DuisenbergPresident of the European Central Bank, 7 Bilderbergs
Theodore EliotUS Ambassador to Afghanistan who attended 15 Bilderberg meetings.
Kjell-Olof FeldtSocial Democrat Minister of Finance who attended Bilderberg and initiated large neoliberal changes.
Anders FermAttended the 1983 Bilderberg as Swedish Permanent Representative to the United Nations
Murray FinleyBilderberg Steering committee member labor leader
Charles GetchellLittle known member of the Bilderberg Steering committee who attended most of the meetings in the 1970s and 1980s
Bernardino GomesPortuguese businessman who attended the 1983 Bilderberg as vice chairman of the Foundation for International Relations
Alain GomezChairman and Chief Executive Officer of Thomson Group when he attended the 1983 Bilderberg
Anthony GriffinWorked for S.G. Warburg. A member of the Bilderberg Advisory Committee for 32 years.
Henry GrunwaldDiplomat, managing editor of TIME, and suspected deep state functionary
Bengt GustafssonBilderberg Steering Committee, Supreme Commander of the Swedish Armed Forces
Victor HalberstadtA professor of economics, with a minimal Wikipedia page, who has attended all Bilderberg meetings since 1975.
Arthur Hartman4 times Bilderberger
Hans HeckmannExecutive Vice President and Member of the Executive Board, Union Bank of Switzerland. 4 Bilderbergs
Alfred HerrhausenMulti Bilderberg, Chairman of Deutsche Bank. Promoted the cancellation of unpayable debt. Assassinated in 1989 "in a military operation of a complexity without precedent"
Stanley HoffmannAcademic who attended the 1967 and 1983 Bilderbergs.
Robert D. HormatsDeep state connected vice Chairman of Kissinger Associates.
Jozef Houthuys5 time Bilderberg Belgian deep state operative. Chaired the Belgian Confederation of Christian Trade Unions for 18 years
H. John Heinz II34 Bilderberg meetings, Bilderberg Steering & Advisory Committees
Peter JankowitschOne of the closest collaborators of Chancellor Bruno Kreisky, ex-Bilderberg Steering committee
Daniel JanssenBilderberg Steering committee Belgian business leader