Jeffrey Epstein/"Suicide"

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Jeffrey Epstein allegedly committed suicide by hanging himself.

Earlier "attempted suicide"

In late June, Epstein was found nearly unconscious with neck injuries in his prison cell in what was portrayed as a suicide attempt. He was subsequently placed on a "suicide watch". The Daily Mail reported that "There was no indication that he might try to take his own life" and that hge claimed that someone had tried to kill him.[1]

First reports

Messages posted on 4chan [How long?]before the news of his alleged suicide broke in the mainstream media were: Jeffrey Epstein DEAD Anonymous (ID: rPtND1Si) 08/10/19(Sat)08:16:36 No.222518349 - "dont ask me how I know, but Epstein died an hour ago from hanging, cardiac arrest. Screencap this" - "Was called out as a cardiac arrest at the manhattan federal detention facility. Worked asystole for 40 mins" - "lets say I know. Dont need a glowie coming to my crib. But they declared death at New York Presbyterian Lower Manhattan ER" - "screencap this then brudda and post when the news breaks" - "hanging" - "worked asystole arrest for 40 minutes, als intubated in the field/epi/2 liters NS infused. Telemetry advised bicarb and D50 in field. Pt transported to Lower Manhattan ER and worked for 20 minutes and called. Hospital administrator was alerted, preparing statements".[2]

One comment, reportedly posted to 4Chan 10 minutes before Epstein's death had been publicly announced, was suggesting a body swap had taken place.[3]

On August 10, Epstein was reportedly found dead after "an apparent suicide, law enforcement sources told the Post Saturday.[4] He had been reportedly removed from the "suicide watch", and placed in a cell without CCTV.[5] Other reports talked of a "camera malfunction".[6][7]


US Attorney General William P. Barr stated that "I was appalled to learn that Jeffrey Epstein was found dead early this morning from an apparent suicide while in federal custody. Mr. Epstein’s death raises serious questions that must be answered. In addition to the FBI’s investigation, I have consulted with the Inspector General who is opening an investigation into the circumstances of Mr. Epstein’s death."[8]


The autopsy noted that his neck was broken, an unusual circumstance in a suicide. The event was ruled a suicide. His laywers, Martin G. Weinberg, Reid Weingarten and Michael Miller pronounced themselves "not satisfied with the conclusions”of the report. [9]


The New York Post wrote that "Jeffrey Epstein’s shocking death occurred at an ultra-secure federal lock-up where suicide is supposedly next to impossible" and noted that sources disagreed about the length of his "suicide watch".[10]


Related Quotation

Jeffrey Epstein/"Suicide"“Everyone has compromising dossiers on one another, to be used as leverage in the right situation.”Michel Nihoul2001
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