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Concept.png Ambassador/Niger 
L. Douglas Heck.png
US ambassador L. Douglas Heck terminated his job in 1976, due to his appointment as the first Coordinator for Counterterrorism
Ambassadors to the African republic of Niger

For the adjacent country, see Nigeria.

Ambassadors to Niger are the highest diplomatic representatives to the African Sahel nation of Niger.

As of 2024, the capital city of Niamey hosts 24 embassies.[1]


Niger is a former French colony and was traditionally in the French sphere of influence. The country's uranium mines are vital for the French nuclear power plants.[2]

Nigeer is a charter member of the Organization of African Unity and the West African Monetary Union and also belongs to the Niger Basin Authority and the Lake Chad Basin Commission, the Economic Community of West African States, the Non-Aligned Movement, and the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation. Niger belongs to the United Nations and its main specialized agencies and in 1980-81 served on the UN Security Council.

On August 4, 2023, Abdourahamane Tchiani's military junta severed diplomatic ties with the US and France after a successful coup d'état deposing Nigerien president Mohamed Bazoum. In December, France closed its embassy in Niger indefinitely, after the new government ordered the ambassador's exit and set up a blockade around the embassy premises. France also withdrew its troops, whereas the US retained its military and CIA bases in Niger.[3]


An example

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