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|image=British-German Association Logo.jpg
|image=British-German Association Logo.jpg
|description=Anglo-German Influence network
|description=Anglo-German Influence network
|planners=The Duke of Kent, Peter Wittig, Peter Barnes, Philip Mallinckrodt, Sybille Steiner, Lord Ahmad of Wimbledon, Michael Arthur, Kate Arthurs, Peter Barnes, Alastair Buchan, Robbie Bulloch, Neil Carmichael, Malcom Chalmers, Daniel Franklin, Jane Golding, Nik Gowing, Heather Grabbe, Dominic Grieve, Gail Irvine, Jo Johnson, John Kampfner, Simon Walker, John Springford, Alexandra Stein, Maurcice Thompson, David Willetts, Sebastian Wood, Ronald Kent, Matthew Kirk, Mark Konarski, Jonathan Mance, Matthew Kirk, Tej Parikh, Frances O'Grady, Robin Niblett, Charles Lombard, Annelise Dodds, Nick Collier, Robert Chote, Alex Chisholm
|members=The Duke of Kent, Peter Wittig, Peter Barnes, Philip Mallinckrodt, Sybille Steiner, Lord Ahmad of Wimbledon, Michael Arthur, Kate Arthurs, Peter Barnes, Alastair Buchan, Robbie Bulloch, Neil Carmichael, Malcom Chalmers, Daniel Franklin, Jane Golding, Nik Gowing, Heather Grabbe, Dominic Grieve, Gail Irvine, Jo Johnson, John Kampfner, Simon Walker, John Springford, Alexandra Stein, Maurice Thompson, David Willetts, Sebastian Wood, Ronald Kent, Matthew Kirk, Mark Konarski, Jonathan Mance, Matthew Kirk, Tej Parikh, Frances O'Grady, Robin Niblett, Charles Lombard, Anneliese Dodds, Nick Collier, Robert Chote, Alex Chisholm,Hans-Heinrich Herwarth von Bittenfeld
|participants=Zeno Ackermann, Ulrich Adam, Malcolm Airs, Jonathan Alford, George Allen, Karen Allen, Peter Alter, Lord Annan, Ian Archer, John Ardagh, Rowena Arshad, Michael Arthur, Timothy Garton Ash, Paddy Ashdown, Rosemary Ashton, Daniel E. Awdry, Richard Bacon, W. Alan Baker, Rodney Baker-Bates, Paul Barker, David Barling, Adrian Barlow, Andy Battson, Pim Baxter, Barbara Beck, Werner Becker, Lord Beaumont of Whitley, Antony Beevor, Frank Bell, Martin Bell, Lord Beloff, Christoph Bertram, The Earl of Bessborough, Aneurin Bevan, Ashish Bhatt, Kurt Biedenkopf, Michael Binyon, Robert Birley, Paul Boateng, Vernon Bogdanor, Mark Bonham Carter, Tim Boswell, Tom Bradley, Ben Bradshaw, Thomas Braun, Rolf Breitenstein, Lady Diana Brittan, Samuel Brittan, George Brock, John Brookes, Nigel Broomfield, Alice Brown, Lord George Brown, Gordon Brown, Julian Bullard, Lord Bullock, Anthony Burkett, John Burton, Nick Butler, Michael Butler, Alec Cairncross, Lord Callaghan of Cardiff, Anne Campbell, Juliet Campbell, Bernard T. Carey, John Carey, Jonathan Carr, John Cartwright, Joachim Castan, Stephen Castle, Saroj K. Chakravarty, Baroness Chalker of Wallasey, Kenneth Chrichton, Brian Clark, Paul N. R. Clark, William D. Clark, Peter Clayton, Thomas Cocke, Janet Cohen, Christopher Coker, Mary Condé, David Coombes, Robert Cooper, James Cornford, Anthony Cragg, Richard Crampton, Steve Crawshaw, Bernard Crick, Joan Crossley, Kevin Crossley-Holland, R. H. S. Crossman, Robert Cumming, Raymond Cunningham, Valentine Cunningham, Edwina Currie, Chris Cviic, Ralf Dahrendorf, Alex Danchev, Anthony Daniels, Sam Dastor, Hugh Davies, Quentin Davies, Tony Davies, Nicholas Deakin, Christopher Dean, Geoffrey Denton, Lord Deedes, Jim McDonald, Stephen J. Dorrell, Margaret Drabble, Burkhard Dretzke, Kurt Düwell, Hugh Dykes, Ketaki Kushari Dyson, Antony Easthope, James Eberle, David Edgar, Richard Edgar, Paul Edmondson, Eckehard Eickhoff, John Eidinow, Baroness Elliot of Harwood, Steve Ellis, Bill Emmott, Mary Evans, Richard Evans, Nicholas Fairbairn, David Farnham, Peter Ferdinand, Mark Field, Vilma Flegmann, David Fletcher, Jill Forbes, Nigel Forman, Grattan Freyer, Catherine Fried, Richard Fries, Erica Fudge, Mary Fulbrook, Peter Funke, Ray Furness, Hugh Gaitskell, Juliet Gardiner, Timothy Garden, Corinna Gardner, Howard Gater-Smith, Hans-Dietrich Genscher, Chris Ghika, Terry Gifford, Eustace Gibbs, Frank Giles, John Gingell, Brian Girvin, Albert-Reiner Glaap, Lord Gladwyn, Anthony Glees, Rüdiger Görner, Hans-Georg Golz, David Goodall, Geoffrey Goodall, David Goodhart, John Gorton, David Gow, Nik Gowing, Rudlieb Gräter, Bronwyn Gray-Specht, Simon Green, Harry Greenfield, Jeremy Greenstock, Rüdiger Görner, Lord Gordon-Walker, Andrew Gowers, Alistair Graham, Roy Grantham, Eldon W. Griffiths, Joseph Grimond, Laura Grimond, Jonathan Grix, Andrew Gurr, Lord Guthrie of Craigibank, Catherine Hakim, Claudia Hamill, James Hamilton-Paterson, Charles Handy, John Hanson, Rebecca Harding, Roger Hardy, Graham Harvey, Christopher Harvie, Barney Hayhoe, Arthur G. Hearnden, Denis Healey, Daniel Heginbotham, Claus Hemmer, Henry Hemming, Mark Hendrick, David Hendy, Louis Heren, Ingo Herzke, Patricia Hewitt, Christoph Heyl, Julie Hill, Eric Hobsbawm, Richard Holme, Joshua Holmes, Robert Holtby, William Horsley, Alistair Horne, Wilhelm Hortmann, Michael Howard, Lord Howe of Aberavon, Edward D. A. Hulmes, Peter Hunt, Douglas Hurd, Norbert Hummelt, Lord Inglewood, Tom Iredale, Roger Jackling, Robert Jackson, Russell Jackson, Hans Jaecker, Henry James, Ron James, Graham Jefcoate, Charlie Jeffery, Geraint Jenkins, Peter Jenkins, Lord Jenkins of Hillhead, Jennifer Jenkins, Daniel Johnson, Paul Johnson, Aubrey Jones, Steven Kaempfer, Lord Kaldor, Michael Kallenbach, John Keane, Michael Kaser, Peter Kellner, Lord Kennet, Monsignor Bruce Kent, John Kerr, Anthony King, Tom King, Peter Kirk, Gavin Kirkpatrick, Richard Kitchen, Axel Klausmeier, Werner Knopp, Heinz Koeppler, Jürgen Krönig, Joachim Kühl, Keith Kyle, Gavin Laird, Christina Lamb, Charles Landry, David Lane, Nigel Lawson, Christopher Layton, Zig Layton-Henry, Scott Leathart, Axel Lebahn, Geoffrey Leech, Charles Lees, Laurence Lerner, Ann Le Sage, Lord Levene of Portsoken, Paul Lever, Tom Levine, Jane Lewis, Johanna Liddle, Roger Liddle, Gabriele Linke, Andrew Lodge, Marion Löffler, Gilbert Longden, The Earl of Longford, Edna Longley, Jacquelynn Luben, Ian Lucas, Adrian Lyons, John Lyons, Roderick MacFarquhar, Paul Maddrell, Peter Marsh, Richard Martin, Stanley Martin, Lord McGregor of Durris, Peter McGregor, Donald McLachlan, John Mackintosh, Michael Maclay, Robert Maclennan, Douglas McWilliams, Christopher Mallaby, Lord Justice Mance, Isabel Manley, David Marquand, David W. Marsden, David Marsh, T.H. Marshall, Kingsley Martin, Stanley Martin, Stefan Marx, Andrew Massey, Lord Mayhew, Richard Mayne, Margaret MacMillan, Terence McCarthy, Mungo Melvin, John McGregor, George Mikes, Lady Delia Millar, Patrick Minford, Kenneth Minogue, David Mitchell, James Mitchell, Gebhardt von Moltke, Wolfgang J. Mommsen, Graeme Moodie, Charles Moore, Tristana Moore, Stuart Moss, Ferdinand Mount, Harry Mount, Michael Moran, Edwina Moreton, Annette Morgan, Roger Morgan, Peter Mortimer, Rosna Mortuza, Marjorie Mowlam, Malcolm Muggeridge, Geoff Mulgan, Colin A. Munro, Pauline Neville-Jones, Peter Newmark, Anthony Nicholls, Bryan Nicholson, Harold Nicholson, Lord Noel-Baker, Paul Oestreicher, Andrew O'Hagan, Con O'Neill, Robert O'Neill, Paul Ormerod, John Orpen, William Outhwaite, David Owen, Anne Owers, Stephen Padgett, Jan Palmowski, Sara Parkin, Cecil Parkinson, Emyr Jones Parry, Indraprasad Patel, Douglas Paterson, William Paterson, Arnold Paucker, Pauline Paucker, Edward Pearce, John Peet, Rupert Pennant-Rea, Simon Phipps, Hella Pick, Corinna Pietzsch, Ben Pimlott, Robert Pinker, Hartmut Pogge von Strandmann, Alexander Pollock, Chris Pond, Lance Pope, Bernard Porter, Enoch Powell, Reginald Prentice, Roger Pringle, Peter Pulzer, Michael Quinlan, Lord Radice, Lisanne Radice, Bill Rammell, Nicholas Ray, Brian Reading, Timothy Raison, Merlyn Rees, John Reeve, Nigel Reeves, Mike Reilly, Tim Renton, Ian Richardson, Louise Richardson, Hermann Frhr. von Richthofen, Andrew Ridgeway, Malcolm Rifkind, Bryan Rigby, John Ringham, Jo Rippier, Lord Robens, Sir Frank Roberts, Angus Robertson, George Robertson, Ann Robinson, William Rodgers, Martin Rogers, Heinz Romberg, John Roper, Holger Rossow, Olwen Rowlands, Jürgen Ruhfus, John Ryan, Peter Sager, Anthony Sampson, Meinhard Saremba, Walter Scheel, Konrad Schiemann, Helmut Schmidt, Carsten Schmiester, Ralf Schneider, Wolfgang Schuller, Heinz Schulte, Christian Schubert, Kuno Schuhmann, Florian Schweizer, Derek Scott, Malcolm Scott, Roger Scruton, Rolf Seelmann-Eggebert, Gerald Segal, Theresa Seidel, Udo Seiwert-Fauti, Quaisra Sharaz, Kurt Shell, Gillian Shephard, Peter Shipley, Stuart Sillars, Lord Simon of Highbury, Alan Simpson, Perri Six, Peter Skrine, Timothy W. Slack, John Slessor, Robert L. Smallwood, Andrew Smith, Chris Smith, Craig Smith, David F. Smith, Geoffrey Smith, Denis Snower, Gita Sootarsing, Julian Spalding, Stephen Spender, Ronald Speirs, David Starkey, David Steel, Irmgard Steinisch, Sir John Stevens, Dennis Stevenson, Struan Stevenson, Norman Stone, Rupert Graf Strachwitz, Gisela Stuart, Dick Taverne, Brian Taylor, Jock Taylor, Kevin Taylor, Trevor Taylor, Peter Tennant, Raphael Thoene, Gina Thomas, Lord Thomas of Swynnerton, Toby Thacker, Kelsey Thornton, Kevin Taylor, Charles Tomlinson, Peter Torry, Arnold J. Toynbee, Frank Trentman, David Trimble, Sylvie Tritz, Adair J. Turner, Edward Turner, Pat Upson, Stephen Venables, Pieter Vlieland, Stefan Vöhringer, Matthias Waechter, Jo Wagerman, Agnes Walker, Helen Wallace, Lord Wallace of Saltaire, John Ward, Thomas Werner, Diana Warwick, Robert Wass, Alan Watson, Graham Watson, David Watt, Donald C. Watt, E. G. Wedell, Richard von Weizsäcker, Stanley Wells, Peter Wellstead, Peter Wende, Peter Wiles, David Willetts, Betty Williams, H. C. N. Williams, Hywel Williams, Baroness Williams of Crosby, Ian Willmott, Nick Witney, Barthold C. Witte, Nicolas Wolfers, William Wolff, Christian Wolmar, James Woodall, Kenneth Woolfe, Bridget Woollard, John Worthen, Oliver Wright, Susan Wright, Michael Yahuda, Ralph Yarrow, Alf Young, Kenneth Younger, Georgianna Ziegler
The '''Königswinter Conference''' is convened once a year by the society Königswinter UK and its German counterpart, the [[Deutsch-Britische Gesellschaft]], bringing together around 80 German and British [[politicians]], [[diplomats]], [[business executives]], [[academics]] and [[journalists]] for a profound exchange of ideas. The format is similar to the [[Bilderberg]] conference, being part of the interlocking networks that tie together the ruling elites in Western societies. Given this elite base, one will see significant overlap with membership in the [[Bilderberg]] conferences etc. It might be seen as a kind of template, in this case designed to tie the West-German elite to the British Empire.<ref>''[https://www.debrige.de/veroeffentlichungen/ "Deutsch-Britische Gesellschaft"]''</ref>
The '''Königswinter Conference''' is convened once a year by the society Königswinter UK and its German counterpart, the Deutsch-Britische Gesellschaft, bringing together around 80 German and British politicians, diplomats, business managers, academics and journalists for a profound exchange of ideas. The format is similar to the [[Bilderberg]] conference, being part of the interlocking networks that tie together the ruling elites in Western societies. Given this elite base, one will see significant overlap with membership in the [[Bilderberg]] conferences etc.  
In fact, since it was founded in 1950, four years before the first Bilderberg conference, it might be seen as a kind of template, in this case designed to tie the West-German elite to the British Empire.  
As is fairly common with these kind of networks of powerful people, despite having a website and pretending to be open, the Köningwinter Conference is not even mentioned in Wikipedia. The summary reports from the meetings are available on the webiste [https://www.debrige.de/veroeffentlichungen/], but can't be copied from, making the information semi-private.
The Königswinter Conference was established in 1950 with the aim of binding [[West Germany]] to Great Britain. It takes its name from the Rhine riverside spa opposite Bonn where the Conference took place initially. Since then the Conference has convened once a year bringing together around 80 German and British politicians, diplomats, business managers, academics and journalists for a profound exchange of ideas.
The Königswinter Conference was established in 1950 with the aim of binding West-Germany to Great Britain. It takes its name from the Rhineside spa opposite Bonn where the Conference took place initially. Since then the Conference has convened once a year bringing together around 80 German and British politicians, diplomats, business managers, academics and journalists for a profound exchange of ideas. Königswinter has created bonds and friendships helping to improve the understanding of policy differences on topical issues and challenges and to work towards common approaches. The issues discussed over the years have ranked from security policy, the Atlantic alliance, European integration, the future of the welfare state, education policy and the integration of ethnic minorities to international economic policy. The Königswinter Conference is organised jointly by the Deutsch-Britische Gesellschaft and its British counterpart, UK Koenigswinter.[https://www.debrige.de/en/2017/12/19/koenigswinter-conferenz/]
Königswinter has created bonds and friendships helping to improve the understanding of policy differences on current issues and challenges and to work towards common approaches. The issues discussed over the years have ranked from security policy, the Atlantic alliance, European integration, the future of the welfare state, education policy and the integration of ethnic minorities to international economic policy. The Königswinter Conference is organised jointly by the Deutsch-Britische Gesellschaft and its British counterpart, UK Koenigswinter.<ref>''[https://www.debrige.de/en/2017/12/19/koenigswinter-conferenz/ "Königswinter Conference"]''</ref>
The mail address is the same as the [[The Ditchley Foundation]], [https://find-and-update.company-information.service.gov.uk/officers/Kwz36-DPPsBePnm0vwdOJS9BQYs/appointments indicating a connection.]
{{FA|Königswinter Conference/Speakers}}
The Königswinter Conferences have had hundreds of speakers.
==Conference Location, Date and Program==
==Conference Location, Date and Program==
The Königswinter Conference takes place alternately in Germany or Britain, normally in spring or early summer of each year. The overall theme of the Conference is always a broad one in order to allow for exchange between participants of different backgrounds.
The Königswinter Conference takes place alternately in Germany or Britain, normally in spring or early summer of each year. The overall theme of the Conference is always a broad one in order to allow for exchange between participants of different backgrounds.
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Over the past decades, it has proven useful to maintain a mix of “newcomers” and experienced participants with the aim of maintaining the spirit of Königswinter as well as promoting novel connections.[https://www.debrige.de/en/2017/12/19/koenigswinter-conferenz/]
Over the past decades, it has proven useful to maintain a mix of “newcomers” and experienced participants with the aim of maintaining the spirit of Königswinter as well as promoting novel connections.[https://www.debrige.de/en/2017/12/19/koenigswinter-conferenz/]
The summary reports can be found on the associations website.[https://www.debrige.de/veroeffentlichungen/]
The summary reports can be found on the association's website.[https://www.debrige.de/veroeffentlichungen/]
==the 69th Königswinter Conference 2019==
==the 69th Königswinter Conference 2019==
The of the conference the 11-13. April 2019 theme was 'Europe's role in a multilateral order'.
The of the conference the 11-13. April 2019 theme was 'Europe's role in a multilateral order'.
==Not worth mentioning in Wikipedia==
The Köningwinter Conference is not mentioned in [[Wikipedia]].

Latest revision as of 10:44, 6 April 2022

Group.png Königswinter   Companies House EndoleRdf-entity.pngRdf-icon.png
British-German Association Logo.jpg
Membership•  The Duke of Kent
• Peter Wittig.jpg Peter Wittig
•  Peter Barnes
•  Philip Mallinckrodt
•  Sybille Steiner
•  Lord Ahmad of Wimbledon
•  Michael Arthur
•  Kate Arthurs
•  Peter Barnes
•  Alastair Buchan
•  Robbie Bulloch
•  Neil Carmichael
•  Malcom Chalmers
•  Daniel Franklin
•  Jane Golding
•  Nik Gowing
•  Heather Grabbe
• Dominic Grieve.jpg Dominic Grieve
•  Gail Irvine
• Jo Johnson.jpg Jo Johnson
•  John Kampfner
•  Simon Walker
•  John Springford
•  Alexandra Stein
•  Maurice Thompson
•  David Willetts
•  Sebastian Wood
•  Ronald Kent
•  Matthew Kirk
•  Mark Konarski
•  Jonathan Mance
•  Matthew Kirk
•  Tej Parikh
• Frances O'Grady.jpg Frances O'Grady
•  Robin Niblett
•  Charles Lombard
• Anneliese Dodds.jpg Anneliese Dodds
•  Nick Collier
•  Robert Chote
• Alex Chisholm.jpg Alex Chisholm
• Hans-Heinrich Herwarth von Bittenfeld.jpg Hans-Heinrich Herwarth von Bittenfeld
Anglo-German Influence network

The Königswinter Conference is convened once a year by the society Königswinter UK and its German counterpart, the Deutsch-Britische Gesellschaft, bringing together around 80 German and British politicians, diplomats, business executives, academics and journalists for a profound exchange of ideas. The format is similar to the Bilderberg conference, being part of the interlocking networks that tie together the ruling elites in Western societies. Given this elite base, one will see significant overlap with membership in the Bilderberg conferences etc. It might be seen as a kind of template, in this case designed to tie the West-German elite to the British Empire.[1]


The Königswinter Conference was established in 1950 with the aim of binding West Germany to Great Britain. It takes its name from the Rhine riverside spa opposite Bonn where the Conference took place initially. Since then the Conference has convened once a year bringing together around 80 German and British politicians, diplomats, business managers, academics and journalists for a profound exchange of ideas.

Königswinter has created bonds and friendships helping to improve the understanding of policy differences on current issues and challenges and to work towards common approaches. The issues discussed over the years have ranked from security policy, the Atlantic alliance, European integration, the future of the welfare state, education policy and the integration of ethnic minorities to international economic policy. The Königswinter Conference is organised jointly by the Deutsch-Britische Gesellschaft and its British counterpart, UK Koenigswinter.[2] The mail address is the same as the The Ditchley Foundation, indicating a connection.


Full article: Stub class article Königswinter Conference/Speakers

The Königswinter Conferences have had hundreds of speakers.

Conference Location, Date and Program

The Königswinter Conference takes place alternately in Germany or Britain, normally in spring or early summer of each year. The overall theme of the Conference is always a broad one in order to allow for exchange between participants of different backgrounds.

The conference lasts for two days, beginning with a plenary discussion. Afterwards, participants break up into working groups devoted to in depth discussion of a specific topic, such as security issues or economic questions. The conference usually begins with a plenary discussion. Results of these working group meetings are presented in the closing session.

The agenda covers topical issues, for example European integration, the future of the welfare state, the international economy, joint European defence policy or growing ethnic diversity and its implications for our societies. Working groups discuss allocated topics and report their results at the closing session.

Over the past decades, it has proven useful to maintain a mix of “newcomers” and experienced participants with the aim of maintaining the spirit of Königswinter as well as promoting novel connections.[1]

The summary reports can be found on the association's website.[2]

the 69th Königswinter Conference 2019

The of the conference the 11-13. April 2019 theme was 'Europe's role in a multilateral order'.

Not worth mentioning in Wikipedia

The Köningwinter Conference is not mentioned in Wikipedia.


Known members

11 of the 39 of the members already have pages here:

Tariq Ahmad
Hans-Heinrich Herwarth von BittenfeldGerman diplomat who spied for Britain during WW2. Went on to high positions in the West German foreign service, and attended the 1963 Bilderberg meeting.
Alastair BuchanSon of a spook, propagandist and UK deep state operative. Commandant of the Imperial Defence College, four Bilderbergs
Alex Chisholm
Nik GowingUK Deep state connected TV journalist
Dominic GrieveChair of the Intelligence and Security Committee 2015-2019
Jo JohnsonYounger brother of Boris Johnson, Bullingdon and other deep state connections
Robin NiblettChatham House Director/Chief executive from 2007-2022...
Frances O'GradyBecame General Secretary of the Trades Union Congress in 2013
David Willetts
Peter WittigGerman diplomat who has been UN rep, US and then UK ambassadors
Many thanks to our Patrons who cover ~2/3 of our hosting bill. Please join them if you can.
