US/Senate/Watergate Committee

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Group.png US/Senate/Watergate Committee  
(United States Senate Committee, Congressional hearing)Rdf-entity.pngRdf-icon.png
United States Senate Watergate Committee.jpg
InterestsWatergate Coup
Membership• Sam Ervin
• Daniel Inouye
• Joseph Montoya
• Herman Talmadge
• Howard Baker
• Edward Gurney
• Lowell P. Weicker Jr
• Samuel Dash
• Fred Thompson
• Rufus Edmisten
• Donald Sanders
• Terry Lenzner
• Scott Armstrong
• Robert Muse
• Marc Lackritz
• Gordon L. Freedman
A group officially intended to investigate wrongdoing in connection to Watergate.

Samuel Dash was the chief counsel, and he directed the investigation. The minority counsel was Fred Thompson. Terry Lenzner was chief investigator.


Known members

3 of the 16 of the members already have pages here:

Howard BakerSuspected deep state operative assisted for many years by Cercle attendee George Montgomery
Samuel DashMember of the Watergate commission.
Terry LenznerAssistant counsel (and chief investigator) on the United States Senate Watergate Committee.
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