Revolutionary Communist Party

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Having disappeared over two decades ago, the RCP is back reinvigorated in 2024

The Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP) is the British section of the Revolutionary Communist International which is based upon the scientific ideas of Marx and Engels that were upheld and developed by Lenin and Trotsky. As Lenin understood, “without revolutionary theory, there can be no revolutionary movement.” The RCP regards Marxist ideas as a guide to action, and aims to study the world in order to transform it. The RCP says:

Communism is not just a good idea or an identity. It means replacing capitalism, based on private profit and exploitation, with a new classless society based upon the principle “from each according to their ability, to each according to their need”.[1]

The RCP publishes a fortnightly newspaper The Communist and a quarterly theoretical magazine In Defence of Marxism.[2]

Founding Congress

In May 2024, Alan Woods spoke at the Founding Congress of the Revolutionary Communist Party on the launching of the Manifesto of the Revolutionary Communist International.[3] The Founding Conference of the Revolutionary Communist International takes place from 10 to 15 June 2024.[4] The Manifesto of the Revolutionary Communist International can be read here.[5]

RCP v. Braverman

RCP's Fiona Lali calls Suella Braverman a "war criminal"

On 17 May 2024, National Campaigns Organiser for the Revolutionary Communist Party, Fiona Lali, went head to head with Tory MP Suella Braverman about the anti-Israeli genocide encampments in Britain.[6] In the interview on GB News, Fiona Lali called out former UK Home Secretary Suella Braverman for her unwavering support for Israel's ongoing bombing campaign in Gaza, calling her a "war criminal" and highlighting that it was the pro-Palestine protests that "brought you down and they can bring down the Tory government."[7]


An earlier version of the RCP was led by University of Kent sociologist Frank Furedi, and was created in 1977 after a sizeable minority were expelled from the Revolutionary Communist Group in 1976, forming the Revolutionary Communist Tendency (RCT). The RCG itself was formed after a split from the International Socialists (the forerunner of the Socialist Workers Party). The RCT was renamed the RCP in 1981 and disbanded in 1996. Its activities were continued through its main publication Living Marxism, which in early 1997 changed its name to LM. When it was shut down by a libel action in 2000 many of those associated with the RCP/LM created a range of new organisations centred around Spiked and the Institute of Ideas, which form a continuing network described here as the LM network. Though the class politics have gone, much of the position taking, tone and tactics of the deeply sectarian RCP remain.[8]

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