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Concept.png Espionage 
Interest of• John Barron
• Bill Fairclough
• GreatGameIndia
The practice of spying or of using spies, typically by governments to obtain military or political information.

Espionage or spying is the act of obtaining secret or confidential information. It is often part of an institutional effort by a government or commercial concern. The term tends to be associated with state spying on potential or actual enemies for military purposes. Spying involving corporations is known as industrial espionage.

One of the most effective ways to gather data and information about a targeted organization is by infiltrating its ranks.

In times of crisis, spies steal technology and sabotage the enemy in various ways. Counterintelligence is the practice of thwarting enemy espionage and intelligence-gathering. Almost all nations have strict laws concerning espionage and the penalty for being caught is often severe. However, the benefits gained through espionage are often so great that most governments and many large corporations make use of it.


Espionage involves peeking at the other fellow's hand, marking the cards, cooking the books, poisoning the well, breaking the rules, hitting below the belt, cheating, lying, deceiving, defaming, snooping, eavesdropping, prying, stealing, bribing, suborning, burglarizing, forging, misleading, conducting dirty tricks, dirty pool, skulduggery, blackmail, seduction, everything not sporting, not kosher, not cricket. In short, espionage stands virtue on its head and elevates vice instead. [1]



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Ronald Pelton18 November 19416 September 2022USSpookNational Security Agency intelligence analyst who was convicted in 1986 of spying for and selling secrets to the Soviet Union. Convicted to 30 years jail,released in 2015.
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  1. ISBN 0375502467 - Roosevelt's Secret War: FDR and World War II Espionage, Joseph E. Persico, 2001