Document:United States Global Strategy Council, extract from The "Terrorism" Industry

Subjects: United States Global Strategy Council
Source: The "Terrorism" Industry
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The council was incorporated in 1981 as a "tax-exempt educational research foundation." Former deputy director of the CIA Ray S. Cline is currently its chair (with the aid of co-chairs Jeane Kirkpatrick, Morris Leibman, J. William Middendorf, Donald Rumsfeld, and retired Lieutenant General Robert L. Schweitzer). Cline also serves as co-director, with Yonah Alexander, of their program on the topic "Low-Intensity Conflict and Terrorism."
Among those who have served on the council's board of directors and "strategy board" are Arnaud de Borchgrave and retired General E. David Woellner. Woellner became president of the Moon organization, CAUSA World Services, in January 1985 (to be succeeded in that post by Philip Sanchez, Nixon's ambassador to Honduras and Ford's ambassador to Colombia). The Unification Church's input into USGSC is impressive, and the organization is regarded by investigative journalists Louis Wolf and Fred Clarkson as "yet another CAUSA operation." [1] Current board members include L. Francis Bouchey;" [2] Robert Pfaltzgraaf of the IFPA; Lawrence Sulz, affiliated with the Hale Foundation (see below); Richard Pipes of Harvard University and the Heritage Foundation; and a large set of retired military officers also affiliated with ASC (Moorer, Graham, Lemnitzer, Stilwell, Wedemeyer, etc.).
The aims of the Global Strategy Council are to promote "global strategic planning" and "to act as a catalyst to help define national strategy" along the lines desired by its hard-line-right board and officers. [3] In accord with these aims it sponsors strategy formulation and outreach programs, as well as research and conferences on various international issues. Its Caribbean and Latin American studies director is Roger W. Fontaine, former Latin America specialist for the Reagan National Security Council, also affiliated elsewhere with the Moon system and Bouchey's Council for Inter-American Security. [4] We mentioned earlier the program on low-intensity conflict and terrorism co-directed by Cline and Alexander. Most revealing, perhaps is the program on Geopolitics of Southern Africa, directed by Stephen A. Halper, a former operative in the Nixon White House and Ray Cline's son-in-law, who was involved in the Debategate scandal, brought to light during House hearings in 1984. [5] The featured political subdivision of the program is "African Insurgencies Supported by the Soviet Union."
The council links together individuals connected with the Unification Church and other far-right operations (ASC, CIAS, and IFPA), to CSIS and the omnipresent Yonah Alexander. It has former officials Cline, Kirkpatrick, and Rumsfeld to lend respectability-to its terrorism studies. With this political cast, that South African viewpoints would be put in the frame of Soviet support and insurgent "terrorism" is a foregone conclusion.
- ^ 1. Louis Wolf and Fred Clarkson, "Arnaud de Borchgrave Boards Moon's Ship;' CovertAction Information Bulletin, no. 24 (Summer 1985), p. 35.
- ^ 2. See above, note 10.
- ^ 3. The quotations are from its Aug. 1. 1987 Statement of Purpose.
- ^ 4. The director of operations of the council, Steve Trevino, is also interested in the Caribbean, serving as the coordinator of a "Task Force for the Liberation of Cuba;' in his capacity of officer and National Policy Board member of the American Freedom Coalition, an organization sponsored by Christian Voice and the Moon system. The other members of the AFC National Policy Board are Joseph Churba, Daniel Graham, and John Singlaub. See American Freedom journal, Feb. 1989.
- ^ 5. Halper, working with long-time CIA official Robert Gambino as part of an intelligence network put together by William Casey in the 1979-80 Reagan campaign, obtained and passed along "nonpublic" information from within the Carter camp, some of which was used to brief Ronald Reagan for his debates with Carter. See Leslie Maitland Werner, "Baker Is Backed on Carter Papers;' New York Times, May 24, 1984, p. I; Conason, "Company Man;' p. 20. Halper is also on the board of the National Bank of Northern Virginia. The bank's lawyer is J. Curtis Herge, the attorney for the contra organization, the Nicaraguan Resistance Education Foundation, a Moon organization, the American Freedom Coalition, Western Goals, and other far-right entities. Another board member is Christopher Lehman, brother of former Secretary of the Navy John Lehman. Christopher served as Reagan's special assistant for national security affairs through September 1985, during which time he worked on covert funding for the contras.