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Search by property

A list of all pages that have property "Description" with value "The academic study of the fear of death". Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.

Showing below up to 25 results starting with #1.

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List of results

  • Document:Off the Leash: How the UK is developing the technology to build armed autonomous drones  + (The [[United Kingdom]]The [[United Kingdom]] should make an unequivocal statement that it is unacceptable for machines to control, determine, or decide upon the application of force in armed conflict and give a binding political commitment that the [[UK]] would never use [[Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems|fully autonomous weapon systems]][[Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems|fully autonomous weapon systems]])
  • Brexit  + (The [[United Kingdom]]'s departure from the [[European Union]].)
  • UN/DOF  + (The [[United Nations Disengagement Observer Force]]The [[United Nations Disengagement Observer Force]] was established by [[UN Security Council]] Resolution 350 (1974) to monitor the ceasefire between [[Israel]] and [[Syria]] in the Israeli-occupied [[Golan Heights]] following the 1973 [[Yom Kippur War]]. [[UNDOF]] is still there four decades later.[[UNDOF]] is still there four decades later.)
  • CIA/Office of Inspector General  + (The [[United States President's Commission on CIA Activities within the United States|Rockefeller Commission]], [[Church Committee]], and [[Pike Committee]] all recommended strengthening the office. Their criticisms were ignored.)
  • Document:What’s Not Being Said About the Venezuela Oil War  + (The [[Venezuela]] Oil War Is Really About Huge Oil Reserves in the District of [[Guayana Esequiba]])
  • Margaret Chan  + (The [[WHO Director General]] who announced the fake "[[2009 swine flu pandemic]]", a failed predecessor of the [[Covid-19]] global "health" agenda.)
  • Mark Zaid  + (The [[Washington DC]] attorney who successfully sued [[Libya]] for US$2.7 billion)
  • Document:Watch the West continue to make a mockery of international law  + (The [[World Court]]The [[World Court]] concludes that the [[Palestinians]] are owed massive reparations. At a bare minimum, [[western]] governments must recognise the [[state of Palestine]] and impose [[sanctions]] on [[Israel]] until it withdraws from the [[OPT|occupied territories]].[[OPT|occupied territories]].)
  • WEF/Global Shapers  + (The [[World Economic Forum]] grooming a cadre of Young Leaders)
  • The Commons Project  + (The [[World Economic Forum]]'s vaccine passport enabler, providentially created in 2019.)
  • Sloan School of Management  + (The [[business school]] of the [[Massachusetts Institute of Technology]])
  • Document:PayPal Partnering With Anti-Defamation League to Share Info With Law Enforcement, Determine Who Can Use Their Services  + (The [[censorship]] industry colludes with [[law enforcement]] and financial services in order to [[censor]] more.)
  • BIS  + (The [[central bankers]]' [[central bank]] - nothing to see here.)
  • Giuseppe Volpi  + (The [[deep politician]] behind [[Mussolini]])
  • Autistic genocide clock  + (The [[genocide]] of people with [[autism]]. A part of [[eugenics]].)
  • University of Paris II Panthéon-Assas  + (The [[law school]] of the [[Sorbonne University]])
  • Document:Backing the Wrong Horseman  + (The [[neo-con]]The [[neo-con]] drive to dominate the [[Middle East]], in alliance with [[Saudi Arabia]] and [[Israel]], has caused an apocalyptic level of death and destruction, which I put (an extremely conservative figure) at 5 million dead. Now compare that to the worldwide death toll from [[COVID-19|coronavirus]]: 220,000. Let me say that again. Western aggressive wars to [[COVID-19|coronavirus]]: 5,000,000 versus 220,000.[[COVID-19|coronavirus]]: 5,000,000 versus 220,000.)
  • "Free market"  + (The [[neocon]] economic system.)
  • Operation Provide Comfort  + (The [[no-fly zone]] instituted would become one of the main factors allowing the development of the autonomous [[Kurdistan Region]].)
  • IOS  + (The [[operating system]] used by [[Apple]])
  • 'Martin Ingram'  + (The [[pseudonym]]The [[pseudonym]] of ex-[[British Army]] soldier/spook who has made a number of allegations about the conduct of the [[British Army]] in its operations in [[Northern Ireland]]. May well be an agent provocateur engaged in [[black propaganda]] aimed at damaging [[Sinn Féin]] and the wider republican movement.[[Sinn Féin]] and the wider republican movement.)
  • "White Supremacy"  + (The [[racist]] belief that [[white people]] are superior to people of other races and therefore should be dominant over them.)
  • François de Grossouvre  + (The [[spook]] in charge of [[Operation Gladio]] in France.)
  • Critical thinking  + (The ability to question and reason, rather than simply accept information one is provided.)
  • Jewish Theological Seminary of America  + (The academic and spiritual center of [[Conservative Judaism]] in the [[United States]])
 (The academic study of the fear of death)
  • Terror management theory  + (The academic study of the fear of death.)
  • Doxxing  + (The act of publicly revealing previously private personal information about an individual or organization, usually through the [[Internet]].)
  • US/Department/Defense  + (The action arm of the Military-industrial-congressional complex, whose functionaries are rewarded in rough proportion to their ability to stifle dissent and channel funds to arms manufacturers.)
  • Piers Corbyn  + (The activist brother of UK politician [[Jeremy Corbyn]].)
  • SDS/Activities  + (The activities of The Supranational Deep State)
  • Abdelbaset al-Megrahi/Compassionate release  + (The actual grounds for Megrahi's release may in fact be as "compassionate" as claimed; this may have been a convenient way to short cirtcuit increasing realisation that he had been falsely convicted.)
  • Poisoning  + (The administration of a [[poison]], whether intentionally or accidentally.)
  • Lyndon Johnson/Presidency  + (The administration of president [[Lyndon B. Johnson]])
  • Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency  + (The agency that cares so much about security, it's in the name twice.)
  • Richard Lambert  + (The agent in charge of the FBI's Amerithrax investigation, who in 2015 publicly claimed that they had no feasible case against [[Bruce Ivins]] and that evidence exonerating him had been deliberately concealed.)
  • Document:So what actually happened in the Strait of Hormuz on 10th July?  + (The aggressive posturing of [[US]]The aggressive posturing of [[US]] and [[UK]] and the moves to militarise the [[Strait of Hormuz]], taken together with [[US]] calls for regime change and other threats to the sovereignty of [[Iran]], constitute a breach of [[UNCLOS]] Articles 19 and 39 and are thus unlawful. Articles 19 and 39 and are thus unlawful.)
  • Document:The Big Picture, Easter 2020  + (The aim of the [[COVID-19/Lockdown|lockdown]] seems to be threefold: to destroy the economy, distract attention from the introduction of [[5G]] and to terrorise the populace into accepting voluntary [[Vaccine|vaccination]], which would be its death knell.)
  • Malaysia Airlines Flight 17/Takeoff  + (The aircraft became airborne from Schipol runway 36C)
  • Kaspersky  + (The alleged - by the US and UK - offensive cybersecurity firm for [[Russia]].)
  • "Kosovo student poisoning"  + (The alleged poisoning of thousands of Kosovan young people by toxic gases or substances in 1990. It came in the run-up to the [[Kosovo War]] and gained lots of coverage in the international press.)
  • Ambassador/Chile  + (The ambassadors to the South American republic of [[Chile]].)
  • Ambassador/Democratic Republic of Congo  + (The ambassadors to the [[Democratic Republic of Congo]].)
  • 2021 Swedish government crisis  + (The anti [[lockdown]] government in [[Sweden]] almost fell, but managed to regain confidence from [[MPs]].)
  • Document:Jonathan Freedland rewrites history to hide an ugly truth about Israel  + (The anti-[[Zionist]]The anti-[[Zionist]] [[Rudolf Vrba]]'s story exposes the ideological foundations of [[Israel]] to be fully in sympathy with ugly [[European]] ethic nationalisms that culminated in [[Nazism]]. [[Vrba]]'s story explains how [[Israel]] was always capable of, and is now committing, a [[genocide]] in [[Gaza]].[[Gaza]].)
  • Technology  + (The application of [[science]] for practical purposes, usually in [[industry]].)
  • Franz Ferdinand  + (The archduke whose assassination is widely cited as the proximate cause of [[World War I]].)
  • Document:I am convinced! Hammarskjöld did not die in an air accident  + (The archibishop of Uppsala opines that Dag Hammarskjöld's death was no accident.)
  • Bermuda Triangle  + (The area where planes and ships go missing)
  • Document:Beyond Conspiracy Theory  + (The article posits a new framework for the analysis of Deep political events and Conspiracy Theories. The term SCAD (State crime against democracy) is explained and developed as a way of connecting the dots across multiple suspect events.)
  • Karen Silkwood  + (The assassinated US nuclear whistleblower whose case was taken up by the [[Christic Institute]].)