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Glenn HubbardSingle Bilderberger
Matías Rodríguez InciarteFormer Bilderberg Steering committee, Spanish banker and possibly deep politician
James JohnsonUS politician, Bilderberg Steering committee, various USDS connections
Vernon JordanClose friend of Bill Clinton. A member of the Bilderberg Steering committee who attended 34 Bilderberg meetings.
Walter Kielholza Swiss insurance and bank manager with extensive networks
Mervyn KingGovernor of the Bank of England single Bilderberger
Henry KissingerUS deep politician, 40+ Bilderbergs, Nobel peace prize, war criminal
Olli KivinenPro EU and NATO Finnish journalist and editor
Wim KokDutch Minister of State, Dutch PM, Bilderberg, sued for war crimes in Yugoslavia where he and Jozias van Aartsen blamed "the wind" for missing targets by thousands of meters, killing dozens. Court found NATO and the Dutch Air Force and not the wind guilty, as NATO "used wrong legal basis".
Hilmar KopperBilderberg/Steering committee, chairman of Deutsche Bank
Henry KravisLike his wife, Marie-Josée Kravis, a billionaire multi-Bilderberger
Marie-Josée KravisLike her husband, Henry Kravis, a billionaire multi-Bilderberger
Pascal LamyMulti-Bilderberg former Director-General of the World Trade Organization
Pierre LelloucheFrench politician
Anna LindhSwedish Minister of Foreign Affairs assassinated 4 months after attending her first Bilderberg
Paavo LipponenPenta-Bilderberger, Prime Minister of Finland
Mogens LykketoftDanish politician
André Lévy-LangFrench banker on the Bilderberg Steering committee, 11 Bilderbergs, Le Siècle
Margaret MacMillanCanadian multi-Bilderberger historian
Mikhail MargelovRussian liberal politician. Played a major role as propagandist in the 1996 election campaign of Boris Yeltsin in 1996 and for Vladimir Putin in 2000. Attended the 2003 Bilderberg meeting.