Gareth Williams

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Gareth Willimas
Photo-credit The News Chronicle

Gareth Williams was 31 years old when his body was discovered in a padlocked sports holdall submerged in 'a fluid' in the bath of his flat in the Pimlico area of London on the afternoon of 23 August 2010. He had last been see alive in London on 15 August 2010. Police reported that the body "was in an advanced state of decay" when found and this made establishing the cause of death problematical.


Williams was an employee of GCHQ Cheltenham. It is reported that, at the time of his death, he was nearing the end of a six month secondment to MI6 whose HQ is about a mile away from his London flat on the opposite side of the river Thames. Williams is reported to have been a 'mathematical genius' and key (though relatively junior) member of GCHQ staff working in the field of cryptography as it applies to the Signals and communications intelligence functions of GCHQ. He is reported to have been a regular visitor to US NSA establishments at Fort Meade, Maryland and to have been a recent visitor to military intelligence establishments in Kabul, Afghanistan.

MSM speculation

The British MSM has indulged itself with usual (some no doubt planted) speculations surrounding the death of a so-called 'spy'. It has variously been alleged that:

  • His mobile phone simcards were arranged in a "bizarre ritualistc manner" [1]
  • There were Escort Agency telephone numbers on one phone SIM card and pornographic material on another. [1]
  • He was gay and may have attracted the unwelcome attentions of a jealous aspiring partner [2]
  • "Bondage equipment was found at his flat. [3]

The police - to their credit - have matter-of-factly stamped on most of this stuff.

As of 7 September 2010 the police seem to be doggedly pursuing their investigations. Their latest appeal being for information about a couple "of Mediterranean appearance" - with all the strange connotations the expression carries - who were allegedly captured on CCTV "one or two months before Mr Williams died" [4]

MSM Coverage

The REAL story ??

Post on TBR News 4 September 2010 [5]

The Voice of the White House

Washington DC 4 September 2010: "Late in August of this year, an important British MI6 agent was found dead in his London flat, stuffed in a bag and left to rot in his tub. Although this was not reported in the United States, it got a good deal of behind-the-scenes panic from various agencies here. This man, Gareth Williams, was a mathematical genius and had been working on top secret British and American projects for years. He was a constant guest up at Meade in the Puzzle Palace or the NSA. This agency snoops on everything and everybody, regardless of their orders. All of their top level information goes to help them empire build. Like the late and unlamented J. Edgar Hoover, the NSA has built up both national and international dossiers on just about everybody. I have it on the very best authority that the dead Williams was not privy to certain matters hereinafter mentioned but one of his friends was and the information got into his hands. Williams was a geek, or boffin as the British call them, and he took a dim view of setting off a nuclear device in downtown Manhattan to assist Israel in her domestic and area problems. The redoubtable Dr. Kushner, a specialist on Israel and a contract worker for various government agencies, has written a very clear, and very frightening, analysis of the current situation. [6]"

The above referenced article is very long. It is well worth reading in it's entirety - but here is probably the most relevant extract:

It has been seriously discussed in Tel Aviv and in the Israeli Embassy in Washington, that probably the best way to compel the American public and through them, the President, to unilateral action,would not be to launch an attack on Tehran but instead, attack America through a false-flag operation. This would consist of a believable attack, or attempted attack, on a major American target a la the 9/11 Saudi-supported attacks.

The most current plan would be for a known militant Arab anti-Israel group, Hezbollah, to actually deliver an atomic device to the city of New York, or, alternatively, to Washington.
The American Central Intelligence Agency, now seeking to reshape its negative image, would report to the Federal Bureau of Investigation the exact details of the arrival and placement of the bomb.
The actual bomb would be genuine but would have a part that was malfunctioning, thus rendering the weapon impossible to detonate. The Arabs involved in this delivery would have in their number, a Yemeni Jew, such as the ones that instigated the 9/11 Saudi attacks, and this sleeper would carry numerous forged documents “proving” that Tehran was directly behind this planned attack.
Revelation of these documents by the fully-supportive New York Times and Washington Post would immediately swing a significant bulk of the American public behind an immediate attack on Tehran with the purpose of neutralizing its atomic weapons capacity.
This program is now on the table and undercover Israeli agents, posing as top-level Iranian operatives, have located a small group of Hizbollah in Lebanon who would be willing to deliver and prepare this device in New York or, as an alternative, Washington itself. Israeli intelligence feels that the use of Hizbollah personnel would entirely justify their obliterating Hizbollah-controlled territory in southern Lebanon that now house many thousands of long-range surface to surface missiles that could easily reach Tel Aviv and other vital Israeli targets.
This action, which has already been planned in detail, would be conducted by Israel alone and would compliment the projected American attack on Tehran. Israel stresses the fact that both attacks must be simultaneous lest a forewarned Hezbollah launch rocket attacks on Israel upon hearing of the American attack. Timing here is considered to be absolutely vital.

Then this from the original publishers of the Kushner article:

Google posted this Kushner article immediately after we published it. It was on the "Dr. Phillip L. Kushner" heading and remained up about an hour and a half, after which time it was removed. I see that this time, it's still up and spreading. Now I wonder why it was taken down the first time? - "They" can't do anything about it now.

Here is something coming up. Not put together yet:

Kushner, a mathematician and rabid Zionist, corresponded with the Brit who was snuffed - Gareth Williams. The latter mentioned a few things to Kushner (who is a government employee...for the time being) and Kushner told his friends at the eastern end of the Mediterranean. Result? A dead Brit.

Now, the interesting part: Why stuff the body in a gym bag and dump it in his tub?

London (Pimlico) has been very hot this year. A body in a closed bag won't smell that much and, better, won't drip onto a floor and down into the flat below. Why? The perps went to Heathrow and boarded an El Al plane for safety. However, the Brits photograph passengers boarding aircraft. They keep the tapes for a week and then re-use them.

This explains why the perps wanted no stench to alert anyone.

The Brits might know who did the deed but they are now safe in Israel from whence they would never be extradited. Go figure. Que bono?

(Most of this from two communicants: One with the Brit law enforcement and the other on the staff of the Guardian.)

This is going up soon. Also, the scheme to leave gay books behind to hint at a disreputable past is redolent of Admiral Hall's "Casement Diary" fake of 1916 and, I note, parallel with the slanders against Julian Assange and Bradley Manning. This is typical CIA. But this can work both ways as I have found out.

The question around the Pentagon about Manning is which of his elevated computer friends did he sent material to besides Wikileaks? The Army, and others, want to know.

In time, they will find out. The opening shot has already been fired!


MI6 GCHQ Premature Death