Document:Watch the West continue to make a mockery of international law

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The World Court concludes that the Palestinians are owed massive reparations. At a bare minimum, western governments must recognise the state of Palestine and impose sanctions on Israel until it withdraws from the occupied territories.

Disclaimer (#3)Document.png blog post  by Jonathan Cook dated 19 July 2024
Subjects: ICJ, Israel, OPT, Palestinian people, the West, ICC, Benjamin Netanyahu, international law, genocide, apartheid
Source: X (Link)

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Watch the West continue to make a mockery of international law

The World Court ruled this afternoon that Israel's 57-year military occupation of the West Bank, East Jerusalem and Gaza has mutated into an illegal act of annexation.[1]

The ruling is earth-shattering for many reasons.

It confirms that Israel meets the legal definition of an apartheid state.

It points to the fact that Israel's creation of hundreds of Jewish-only colonies on Palestinian land is inherently tied to a programme of ethnic cleansing.

It reaffirms the legal reality that Israel has no "right of self-defence" when its annexation is a permanent and overt act of aggression against the Palestinian people.

It strongly suggests that for decades the West has been colluding in Israel's crimes against humanity, just as it is now actively complicit in Israel's genocide in Gaza.

It bolsters the case, made by prosecutors at the World Court's sister court, the International Criminal Court, that Netanyahu and the rest of the Israeli leadership are war criminals and should be arrested.

And it concludes that the Palestinians are owed massive reparations.

At a bare minimum, western governments must recognise the state of Palestine and impose sanctions on Israel until it withdraws from the occupied territories.

Watch them continue to do the exact opposite.

Watch them pretend that today's ruling never happened.

Watch them continue to make a mockery of international law.
