User talk:AgentTorange

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Revision as of 09:13, 27 November 2022 by Jun (talk | contribs) (Ideas)
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Port Arthur, Dunblane, Sandy Hook, Christchurch

I'll take notes here of things I'd typically put in the Talk pages of other wiki's, since wikispooks does not seem to have them on articles

Feel free to comment, criticize, though id prefer u didnt vandalise

- Juxtapositions b/t Dunblane school massacre and Sandy Hook should def be explored, as well as Port Arthur massacre, which occured the same year though was not a school shooting. Explanations for why New Zealand's shooting resulting in mass disarmament didn't occur until 20 years later should also be considered

-ex. Discrepancies in reports regarding the shooting skill of Port Arthur shooter, the range at which he shot his victims, and the strategic (between the eyes, no chance of survival) places he managed to hit them. Some say the shots were point blank, which would not be impressive or farfetched, others say considering circumstances, point blank range of most or many shots seems unlikely, meaning the shooter's marksmanship exceeded the skillset that would be expected of someone like him

- Similar discrepancies in case of Adam Lanza, though in his case we know at least he had a lot of experience shooting before hand

-Port Arthur Shooter seems almost ceerainly suffered from asperger's. Dunblane shooter definitely weird, not necessarily autistic.

-These events, with the exception of sandy hook, are rarely mentioned in US media. Which is odd considering, they'd serve as a good narrative in favor of disarmament, considering that lone wolf shootings since the respective events in Australia and Britain and the entire UK have been either non-existent, or close to it since

-How much these incidents were invoked in Britain (or UK as whole) and Australia in the aftermath of Sandy Hook would be interesting

- Parent's of victims of Dunblane shooting claim to have reached out to Sandy Hook Parents. Some parents of Dunblane Victims say they have helped Americans in their efforts to "change US gun laws (aka disarm americans) <<<<way towards bottom for dunblane parents comments

    -what connection, if any, can be drawn between the Dunblane Parents' contacting Sandy Hook Parent's and the supposed droves of conspiracy theorists who allegedly harrassed Sandy Hook parents
     - Any information regarding the people who harassed sandy hook parents, restraining orders filed, arrests made for violation of those orders, idenitites of harrassers already in the public domain, any figures regarding number of harassers, when the harrassment began, how it progressed - where it was discussed, how the people who called the parents found the information (were the parents doxxed or did harrassers find information independently, where the harrassers congregated and came up with the idea to start harrassing. 
    - There has always been a glaring link missing in this narrative, considering, afaik, there is no audio/video of Alex Jones telling his fans to contact these parents. This means the plan was hatched elsewhere online, unless we are to believe these harrassers all acted independently, w/o influencing one another in any way.
    - when did media reports of phone calls begin, where did media's info of calls first come from, did frequency of calls and number of people calling increase after media coverage, or was there no significant change? How many people were actually calling? Who were they? Where did they congregate, what were their influences, where did they come from, what did they hope to gain from calling, what was their demeanor when they called?
     - I have to assume that that at least some harrassers were involved in the Q movement. What, if any,crossosver can be observed? what can be gleened from this
     - 4chan and 8chan strangely not attributed at all to these incidences, not anywhere ive seen at least. How? Why?
    - Did the Authors of "Nobody Died at Sandy Hook" instigate this on their website,, were they ever associated at all with what happened, being that they were the original progenitors of the 'nobody died' narrative, and their leader, Wolfgang something, had compelling credentials. I'm pretty sure Wolfgang at least has since died. 
    - I've never seen any of the aformentioned discussed or explored anywhere. Wolfgang's involvement indeed seems to have been memory holed, though that may just be in effort not to draw more people towards his research and claims. What is the likelihood the memory hole blog people,including wolfgang, were just narciccists capitalising on a tragedy, what are the odds they sincerely believed nobody died at sandy hook, how convincing is their evidence, and if the concepts introduced as evidence are convincing, how much of it is presented out of context, with lies of omission, or simply untrue?

-what other mass shooting incidents in other countries have playe an inextricable role in the disarmament of those countries and/or others (Dunblane led to disarmament of entire UK, which is 4[?] countries)

- New zealand shooter almost certainly not aspergers or autistic

- For all shooters - were they medicated, or recently taken off any medication at time of shooting?



'bold & Italic'

<nowiki>[[Page link]|with different words]]</nowiki>

The only difference This should go to page you're on now


One way i like to brainstorm is to think of answerable questions i have about a topic. and write them free-assocation kinda.

Fee free to try it here, I'd love to see what you come up with:

Start Here

Talk pages

Hello there,

Small note, if would be more effective if you'd tag someone when you use talk pages, as we don't automatically answer it like it's an public Facebook channel. We actually won't if we're not tagged as we're understaffed. Tagging is beginning the post with "!User:AgentTorange!" without the exclamation marks ofc. Therefore it maybe also would be better if you'd use your registered user name to sign off your posts instead of "my key" "sup d". Maybe I know who you are, but others don't. It's just a suggestion, think about it.

2. You also forgot on two talk pages to sign off using the 4 "~". In case someone wants to brainstorm with you, they won't know who you are. Please don't forget to do that.

3. Please use your own page for "secret pages", we are struggling to meet server costs, and adding secret pages with little known function doesn't help that. If you want to test all the templates or codes, would you be willing to your own user page or use template:test? Jun (talk) 09:13, 27 November 2022 (UTC)