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Concept.png Diver 
Russian commando frogman from a special detachment for combating underwater sabotage forces and means (PDSS) of the Caspian flotilla during exercises.jpg
Divers listed in Wikispooks would tend to be of the military type.

The divers listed in Wikispooks would tend to be of the military type (combat divers) - and to have been found dead in a fishing net somewhere.

Divers are trained in underwater tactical capacities that includes military, and in some European countries, police work. Stealthy and can be used for many types of special operations, including mine laying and clearance, infiltration and exfiltration of agents, assassination search and rescue, espionage, sabotage,etc

Many armed forces maintain units of combat divers, including the United States Navy SEALs, British Special Boat Service and Russian Spetsnaz.


An example

Page nameDescription
Lionel CrabbA spook whose illadvised fatal dive lead to the early retirement of MI6 Director general, John Sinclair.
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