Barry McDaniel

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Person.png Barry McDanielRdf-entity.pngRdf-icon.png
(soldier, deep state actor, businessman)
Barry McDaniel.jpg

Employment.png Stratesec/CEO

Dates unknown
On 9/11

Barry McDaniel is widely suspected of involvement in the 9-11 attacks.[1]


McDaniel had worked for the US Government from 1970 to 1987, ultimately as Deputy Director of Readiness for the United States Army Materiel Command (AMC).[1]

McDaniel is an Iran-Contra suspect.[2]


Full article: Rated 4/5 9-11

On 9/11 Barry McDaniel was CEO of Stratesec, a subsidiary of the Carlyle Group that conducted “black projects”. Kevin Ryan writes that "McDaniel has been largely overlooked by investigators, Walker has been the focus of much investigation due to inquiries into his familial relationship to George W. Bush."[3]


Related Quotation

Kevin RyanExplosives were used in the World Trade Center and Stratesec had unparallelsed access to the building. And of course Dulles airport (of which there are some interesting coincidences there relating to evidence provided). But McDaniel had expertise in the acquisition and distribution of ordnance and the fact that he had a history going to the days of when Iran-Contra occurred and it would have occurred with his involvement, apparently - lead us to believe that Barry McDaniel is a deep state operative who was brought in [to the 9-11 plot] for the exact purpose of coordinating the implementation of explosives and the security issue related to Dulles airport and possibly United Airlines.”Kevin Ryan24 August 2016
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